Recent Posts
Tuesday March 15, 2022: Card Protocol; Restaurant Manner Etiquette; Hotel Covid
Anna’s older daughter turned 13 over the weekend! This birthday was a good time, but it reminded Anna of one of the most stressful weekends of her life! (:15) Just when you thought you were done with the Kanye/Pete Davidson story, a new development has happened that’s completely out of this world! (2:44) The gas…… Continue Reading
Phrases Your Parents Would Say That Drive You Crazy
Anna attended a kid’s birthday party, and when a child asked for a certain piece of birthday cake, his mother said something that made us all cringe as children. What was the phrase your parents use to say to you that drove you crazy?📸Getty Images Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Monday March 14th, 2022: Parent Phrases; Terrible Hobbies; Hiding Spots
It’s National Pie Day! What is America’s favorite pie, and do you think it’s accurate? (0:15) The pandemic has given everyone all the reason to start a new hobby to kill some time, but what are the worst hobbies you can have? (2:26) If you retire than do THIS no more than two months later, that is…… Continue Reading
Raven’s Shadow Boxing
Anna couldn’t stop making fun of something Raven did today. Who knew Raven was such a good boxer? 😂🤣🥊… Continue Reading
Raven’s Report Card: The Successful Party?
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband. Raven threw his wife Alicia a birthday party last week. Did Raven pull off the greatest party of all time, or will a bad grade reflect how it went?… Continue Reading
Friday March 11, 2022: Bad News Jobs; Producer Jon’s Jingle; Motivational Messages
Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! Last weekend, Raven threw Alicia a birthday party and his grade is going to largely depend on how it went! (:15) Anna tries to not get mad on the air, but you’re one of…… Continue Reading
The Great Debate: Wheels VS Doors
It seems like a silly debate at first, but the more you think about, the more you can’t help but debate the issue. So, which do you think there are more of? Do you agree with Anna or Raven?… Continue Reading
Thursday March 10, 2022: Kid Complaints Continue; Producer Jon Gets Breadcrumbed; Heardle
What’s the first body part you wash when you get in the shower? The answer might say a lot about your personality! (:25) Anna’s got three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about! Today his options are; giant spiders invading the east coast, a person who got stuck in a…… Continue Reading
Best Birthday Ever?
Is what Raven did for Producer Jon’s birthday out of line!? 🤣 You be the judge. Let us know what you think of Raven’s “gift” on our Facebook page!Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading
Child Complaints!
A woman complained about Anna’s three-year-old after she screamed out at a restaurant. But it’s what she said that had Anna giggling all week. Has someone ever complained about your child? Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading