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Old-School Promposals
“Promposals” have gotten out of hand over the years! So we are taking it back to the old-school and showing you how it was done. 😎… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Road Show Is Back!
Anna and Raven’s Road Show is back! After taking your submissions all last week, Ryan Brechlin from Nest Egg Auctions will highlight some submissions throughout the week! Today, Carrie’s glass vase, Carrie’s roasted peanut machine, Anna’s opera glasses, and Raven’s silver platter. What are they all worth?!… Continue Reading

Monday May 16, 2022:Â Kids Sports Injury; Drone Legalities; The Anna and Raven Road Show
There aren’t many national traditions when it comes to funerals. But after seeing what one celebrity decided to release posthumously, Anna has got a great idea… (:15) Are you up to date with this weeks biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up with what’s trending, including the only interesting thing that…… Continue Reading

Happy Friday The 13th From Anna & Raven!
It’s Friday the 13th which gives Raven the perfect excuse to talk about Jason Voorhees 🤣🤣 Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: It’s A Piece Of Cake
Every week, Raven’s wife, Alicia, gives Raven a grade based on how he behaved as a husband. This week, will a “small” piece of cake be Raven’s downfall? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday May 13, 2022:Â Your Supernatural Story; Beard or Mustache; National Etiquette Week
Happy Friday the 13th! Right, is that a thing? Even if you fear Friday the 13th, Anna has some good news about it! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! With their vow renewal ceremony coming up, Alicia has been…… Continue Reading

Fit Bit Crime Stopper
After five years, a man was convicted of killing his wife…The biggest piece of evidence against him? A Fitbit. When did technology turn on you? Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday May 12, 2022: Â The Pet You Regret; Sharing a Toothbrush; Fit Bit Forensics
Do you ever get a random crazy DM on social media? Anna got one on her personal Instagram and she’s thinking of replying… (:30) It’s nice to spend quality time with your spouse, but if you do all of your chores with them too, that’s all I need to know about you! (2:28) A Fit…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Statues? We Think Yes!
Rhianna was honored with a full-size granite statue of herself in The Metropolitan Museum of Art! We think we’ve earned granite statues of ourselves, but what pose would we choose? Where would we want them to be?… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Hair of the Dog
“Hair of the dog”, the perfect hangover remedy? There’s new research on it and whether it works. Catch up with the podcast, and what’s your hangover remedy?📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
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