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Old-School Promposals

Old-School Promposals

“Promposals” have gotten out of hand over the years! So we are taking it back to the old-school and showing you how it was done. 😎Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Road Show Is Back!

Anna & Raven’s Road Show Is Back!

Anna and Raven’s Road Show is back! After taking your submissions all last week, Ryan Brechlin from Nest Egg Auctions will highlight some submissions throughout the week! Today, Carrie’s glass vase, Carrie’s roasted peanut machine, Anna’s opera glasses, and Raven’s silver platter. What are they all worth?!Continue Reading

Fit Bit Crime Stopper

Fit Bit Crime Stopper

After five years, a man was convicted of killing his wife…The biggest piece of evidence against him? A Fitbit. When did technology turn on you? Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Anna & Raven Statues? We Think Yes!

Anna & Raven Statues? We Think Yes!

Rhianna was honored with a full-size granite statue of herself in The Metropolitan Museum of Art! We think we’ve earned granite statues of ourselves, but what pose would we choose? Where would we want them to be?Continue Reading

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