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Powdered Gold
Anna was so grateful to her co-worker for helping her find some baby formula! Unfortunately, Raven had other plans….… Continue Reading

Friday June 10, 2022: Best Plane Story; Dad Bod Song; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
What should you get your kid’s teacher for the end of the year? Gift cards are nice, but Anna is contemplating something a little bit more extravagant… (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, Raven…… Continue Reading

Field Day Shenanigans
What’s your best field day story? Raven used to be one of the fastest kids in the grade, but Anna always hated one particular event…… Continue Reading

Thursday June 9, 2022: Best Senior Prank; Dumb Argument With Your Kid; Divorce Warning Signs
Nowadays, everything is more expensive. Gas is one thing, but now even groceries are going up! Anna and Raven found a list of ways to help keep food costs down. (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about! Today his options are: A man who confused an…… Continue Reading

What’s In Your Will?
Today Anna and Raven spoke to an attorney about the importance of having a will. But what would they leave each in other in their wills?… Continue Reading

Wednesday June 8, 2022: Bad Good Luck; Don’t Say To Servers; Wellness Wednesday
Does celebrity drama ever affect you emotionally? Anna doesn’t like to admit it but she was devasted after hearing the news of this celebrity’s break-up! (:30) Have you gotten on the “Gain Train”? It’s not usually a place that people want to be at this time of year, but Anna and Raven have some tips…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Yearbook Quote
What was your senior year yearbook quote? 18-year old Anna decided to quote one of the great poets and philosophers of 90’s East Coast Hip-Hop.… Continue Reading

Tuesday June 7, 2022: Just Give Up; Raven Lost at Sea; Celebrity Doppelganger
Have you ever confided in your parent only to be shut down brutally? Anna confessed to feeling sad about something to Mom, only to have her Mom tell her she was way too old to feel that way! (:30) Do you have a celebrity doppelganger? Anna has always been convinced that she looks just like…… Continue Reading

Best British Accent
After watching the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee all weekend, Anna and Raven decided to try their best British accents!… Continue Reading

Monday June 6, 2022: Celebrity Clothing; Show Us Your Dad Bod; Left at the Hotel
What do you think is the worst accent in movie history? The number one most difficult accent for an actor to do may surprise you… (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you up to date on what’s trending, including the reason everyone was talking…… Continue Reading
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