Recent Posts
Thursday April 14, 2022: Is Anna Rude?; All By Myself; Wedding Traditions
People eat lots of questionable things at baseball games, but Anna heard that one stadium is starting to serve something you would never expect to eat at a sporting event! (:30) Anna’s got three crazy news stories and Raven’s going to pick one to talk about! Today his options are; a pizza delivery man who…… Continue Reading
Weird Wedding Tradition?
Is feeding your spouse cake at your wedding a weird tradition that should be done away with? Only one way to find out! By putting Raven and Producer Sean in an uncomfortable situation.… Continue Reading
Wellness Wednesday: Can’t To Can
A 69-year-old billionaire says using this one work can change your life because it changed his. Find out what it is and try it for yourself in the podcast!… Continue Reading
Wednesday April 13th 2022: Bonkers Bumper Sticker; Anna’s Tattoo Trepidation; Stepped In It
Do you know what this coming Monday is? Turns out, 56% of American’s don’t know and Anna is one of them! (:30) According to a billionaire entrepreneur, one single word made the difference in his ability to become successful. In this edition of Wellness Wednesday, Anna and Raven unpack the power of “yet”! (2:23) What…… Continue Reading
Sneaky Anna…
Anna is trying her best to help you take Raven down in Can’t Beat Raven! She has another clue for you, but don’t tell Raven!… Continue Reading
Sneaky Profession Salaries
Walmart is offering $110,000 to truckers to deliver for them, but what other careers have sneaky high salaries? Check out the podcast…and consider your next career change.… Continue Reading
Tuesday April 12, 2022: Stranded At The Airport; Anna’s New Tattoo; Wrong Answers Only
If you’re a guy, there are certain things you’re expected to do on a date, but Anna never expected an actual instruction manual to be printed on a bathroom wall! (:30) If you’re company moved to a four day work week, what would you do with the extra day? Anna and Raven asked around the…… Continue Reading
The Second Answer…Shhhh!
Anna really wants to give away the $5,000 Can’t Beat Raven jackpot, so she is letting you in on a little secret…… Continue Reading
Easter Candy Craze!
Carly from the National Confectioners Association knows all about Easter candy, and is there an official way to eat a chocolate bunny? Kind of. Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading
Monday April 11, 2022: Dating Deal-Breakers; How To Eat A Chocolate Bunny; To Cruise or Not To Cruise
Lots of people like to pamper their dogs, but Raven takes it to a whole new level and Anna is calling him out on it! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s trending news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including a story about a billion dollar…… Continue Reading