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What Are Monkey Pox?

What Are Monkey Pox?

To better understand what Monkey Pox are, we spoke with the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook Medicine, Dr. Bettina Fries. Listen to the podcast to keep yourself aware of what they are and how to avoid infection!Continue Reading

A Listener Who Needs A Little Advice…

A Listener Who Needs A Little Advice…

We had a listener ask for some sage advice regarding a situation with his ex-girlfriend. Catch up with the podcast to hear his question and let him know what you believe he should do on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | FacebookContinue Reading

A Healthy Alternative To Soda…

A Healthy Alternative To Soda…

A Tik Tok influencer swears by this “healthy alternative” to soda, and you probably have the ingredients in your home to try it right now! What do you need to make it? Is it any good? Find out! Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

What Attracts Men To Women

What Attracts Men To Women

We’ve been talking a lot about how women find dad bods attractive, but what do men find attractive about women? Relationship and behavior expert Patrick Wanis PhD – Behavior Expert explains and, warning, it’s disappointing if you have dull hair.Continue Reading

The Dating Game Has Changed!

The Dating Game Has Changed!

So many negative stories about dating apps but Producer Jon has been having some luck – and by all your calls, he’s not the only one! Check out the podcast. Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

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