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Social Media Issues

Social Media Issues

Find yourself or your children addicted to scrolling and swiping on social media? There are five hacks you can do to limit your time and your kids time… but do they actually work? Do you have a way to keep your scrolling time limited? Get it all in the podcast!📸Gett ImagesContinue Reading

Witnessed On A Laptop

Witnessed On A Laptop

Anna walked by Raven’s laptop, he had his email open, and she couldn’t believe the number of emails that he gets from this one fast food company. It’s always awkward when you see a co-worker’s laptop and it has something questionable on the screen. Anna’s husband works in a corporate environment, and he has a…Continue Reading

Worst Person at Any Event

Worst Person at Any Event

Weddings, work conferences, luncheons, all places you sit next to a stranger. What’s the worse type of person to sit next to? Anna sat next to a know-it-all over the weekend at a charity event, and she thought that was the worst. Who’s the most annoying to you? Catch up with the podcast!📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Monday September 30, 2024: Snuck In; Sean v. Landlord; Cheat Camping

Monday September 30, 2024: Snuck In; Sean v. Landlord; Cheat Camping

What are the most unattractive hobbies that a man can have, according to women? The number one answer is something that Anna gets yelled at for even suggesting! Do you still watch SNL? The legendary sketch comedy show just returned for it’s 50th season, but does it still have the same cultural relevance? Does artificial…Continue Reading