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Money Saving Hacks: The Exact Amount Of Turkey
After discussing money saving hacks earlier this week, it was shocking to hear what Boss Keith does to save money… You’ll be humiliated for him, or you’ll have a new money saving tool.📸Getty Images Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday June 28, 2022: Skunk Attack Round 2; The Right Way To Order Deli Meat; Producer Jon Sing-A-Long
Have you ever needed toilet paper and not had any? Anna found herself in this unfortunate situation once, but she came up with a….creative way to get out of it. (:15) Ever been sprayed by a skunk? Many people go their whole lives without that happening, but Raven has had it happen twice now in…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Stylist Stopped By!
Anna’s friend and stylist @laurinegroup will be on the show tomorrow, so be sure to catch the tips she’ll share that’ll keep you looking fabulous without hurting your wallet! You can pick up these stylish tank tops here: And you can visit Laurine at her website! LAURINEGROUP.COM… Continue Reading

Monday June 27, 2022: Unnecessarily Emotional; How To Save Money; Fireworks Safety Tips
Do you believe in voodoo? Anna has decided to give every member of the show a special gift… (:30) Are you up to date with this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the reason Jodie Sweetin from Full House is back in the news! (3:10)…… Continue Reading

Tips To Help You Save Some Money
Because of inflation, you are probably looking for ways to cut costs anywhere you can. Lucky you! We have a list of ways you can cut cost and save money, as weird as they might be. Hear them all in the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna Got Voodoo Spells For Everyone On The Show
Anna visited a Voodoo shop in New Orleans and got everyone on the show magic potions! Who got which potion and why? Find out! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Back To Normal
Both Raven and his wife Alicia are trying to find a sense of normal again after a vacation and getting over being Covid sick. Has Raven made this transition back to a normal easy for his wife? What grade will she give him this week? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday June 24, 2022: New Home Dealbreaker; Anna’s Golf Swing; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
If you work at a restaurant, do you automatically give celebrities a table? A major celebrity had to wait for a table recently, but her reaction wasn’t what you might expect! (:15) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week,…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Golf Swing Needs Some Work…
Anna had her first golf lesson yesterday and is on a mission to learn how to play. What tips do you have for her golf swing? Let us know on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

What Is Your Oldest Unused Gift Card?
Gift cards are the number one most requested gift, but you’ll be surprised to find out how many people don’t use them. What is the oldest gift card you have that you’ve never used?📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
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