Recent Posts

Learning An Instrument
82% of parents would like their children to learn how to play an instrument. Only Producer Jon is musically inclined on the show…Or so we thought. Everyone was tasked to learn a song on an instrument. How bad could it be, honestly!? Check out the podcast!… Continue Reading

Thursday June 30, 2022: Selfish or Self Care; Small Talk Protocol; Raven Plays The Sax
4th of July is a good time but it’s also a time when lots of people injure themselves! Fireworks are a common cause of injury, but there’s another common cause that happens to Raven all the time! (:33) You should always protect your passwords, but if you’re dating someone and you don’t share the Hulu…… Continue Reading

A Big Surprise Tomorrow…
We have a big surprise planned tomorrow! We don’t want to give too much away, but we figure this will give you a hint as to what you can expect…… Continue Reading

Find it difficult to create small talk or keep a conversation going? There are four things you can do to spark conversation and not make it awkward! Update Description… Continue Reading

Wednesday June 29, 2022: Hide From Your Family; Is Raven Smarter Than a Toddler; Signature Dish
Has a bird ever done it’s business directly on you? People claim that it’s good luck, but Anna’s 3 year old wasn’t buying it! (:30) Do you have trouble making small talk? Anna found a Youtube tutorial on how to improve your conversational skills, but some of the advice is questionable… (2:22) Giving money as…… Continue Reading

A New Song For Your Long Drive This Holiday Weekend!
Have a long drive coming up this holiday weekend!? Forget the old driving tunes and blast this catchy song made by our very own Producer Jon!… Continue Reading

Money Saving Hacks: The Exact Amount Of Turkey
After discussing money saving hacks earlier this week, it was shocking to hear what Boss Keith does to save money… You’ll be humiliated for him, or you’ll have a new money saving tool.📸Getty Images Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday June 28, 2022: Skunk Attack Round 2; The Right Way To Order Deli Meat; Producer Jon Sing-A-Long
Have you ever needed toilet paper and not had any? Anna found herself in this unfortunate situation once, but she came up with a….creative way to get out of it. (:15) Ever been sprayed by a skunk? Many people go their whole lives without that happening, but Raven has had it happen twice now in…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Stylist Stopped By!
Anna’s friend and stylist @laurinegroup will be on the show tomorrow, so be sure to catch the tips she’ll share that’ll keep you looking fabulous without hurting your wallet! You can pick up these stylish tank tops here: And you can visit Laurine at her website! LAURINEGROUP.COM… Continue Reading

Monday June 27, 2022: Unnecessarily Emotional; How To Save Money; Fireworks Safety Tips
Do you believe in voodoo? Anna has decided to give every member of the show a special gift… (:30) Are you up to date with this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the reason Jodie Sweetin from Full House is back in the news! (3:10)…… Continue Reading
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