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Tuesday July 12, 2022: Dumb Rule At Work; Beat The Heat; Celebrity Rumors
Good news, the oceans are getting cleaner and all kinds of new wildlife are returning! Bad news, that includes sharks… (:30) Do you have gross car habits? Four hours into a family road trip, Anna’s husband had finally had enough and had to call her out on her gross behavior! (3:08) Phone games can be…… Continue Reading

Anna’s “Vacation Look”
Raven can’t stop poking fun at Anna’s “new look”. Have you ever bought something while on a vacation that you regret?… Continue Reading

A Reading From The Diary Of Anna Zap: The Vacation
Going on vacation is always fun, right? In this most recent reading from Anna’s diary, you find out just how much could go wrong and how planning for a vacation becomes a bigger job that it should be.… Continue Reading

Monday July 11th: That Time The Cops Showed Up; Worst First Date; Jellyfish Stings
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you up to date on what’s trending, including the nefarious reason an HOA is kicking an old lady out of her house! (:30) Craft beers are nice, but if you’ve dedicated your entire life to find new ways to…… Continue Reading

Five Calls Say It All: Free Samples
Anna watched a man help himself to at least four to six free samples at a “free sample” table at a grocery store. She says the unwritten rule is that you get ONE free sample, Raven very much disagrees. He thinks you take as much as you want, it’s a sample! What do you think?…… Continue Reading

Manifest Your Best Life: Part One
There are four steps to manifesting your dream life. Every day this week, you’ll conquer another step. Up first? Identifying your best life out loud. What is everyone’s version of their best life? They all sound pretty amazing and relaxing, except for Producer Sean’s, who sounds insane. Hear them all in the podcast!… Continue Reading

Your Funeral Rules
A grandmother went viral on Tik Tok after sharing her three rules she wants everyone to follow when they attend her funeral. What are the rules of your funeral? Check out the podcast!… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Band
To help celebrate the holiday weekend, The Anna & Raven band wants to perform a classic Americana song! Can you guess what it is?… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: A Smelly Situation
Earlier this week, Raven and Alicia’s dogs were sprayed by a skunk (again!) and Raven played the audio from the situation on air…without his wife’s knowledge. Will Raven’s grade drop drastically because of audio he used without Alicia’s consent? Find out!… Continue Reading

Friday July 1, 2022: Firework Curfew; Cyclops Lesion; Raven’s Report Card
What’s the longest road trip you’ve ever been on? Anna has a 13 hour trip coming up, but that’s nothing compared to how long Raven drove once! (:15) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, Raven…… Continue Reading
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