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Thursday July 21, 2022: Online Sales; Naming Your Pet; Cooking An Egg In The Car
Do you believe certain dates have specific meaning? Ben Affleck does for a special date, and you won’t believe why. (0:00) If you do this while driving on the highway, that’s all I need to know about you! (2:56) Some space needs to be made in raven’s house, so his wife, Alicia, has taken it…… Continue Reading

The Heat Wave Egg
It’s so hot outside that you could cook an egg! But can you really?…… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Fall Asleep in Two Minutes
Can’t fall asleep at night? You’re not alone. The military uses a method that should have you sleeping in two minutes, does it work? Here’s what to do.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday July 20, 2022: Commando Club; Fancy Restaurants; Wellness Wednesday
Marketing firms can be aggressive, but Raven bought a razor recently that sends him ads that are positively lewd! (:15) How do you keep cool during the summer time? Anna read a gross (but possibly effective) new strategy that doesn’t even require you to buy anything! (3:07) Movie theaters are more comfortable than ever these…… Continue Reading

Anna’s New Hat
Is Anna’s new umbrella hat the greatest invention ever, or just a weird fashion statement?… Continue Reading

Interview Tips With Gabrielle Woody
So, you just landed that important job interview, but what do you wear to it? Better yet, what shouldn’t you wear!? Confidant educator Gabrielle Woody lets you know how to dress to impress at your next big interview.… Continue Reading

Anna gives Raven some golf pointers at the Anna & Raven Maritime Chevrolet Open
The Anna & Raven Maritime Chevrolet Open was a blast! Anna even took some time to give Raven some pointers 😆… Continue Reading

Tuesday July 19, 2022: To Tip or Not To Tip; Who’s The Better Driver; Anna’s Ice Bath
Have you ever given up on a TV show? Anna has been forcing herself to watch a very popular show, but she just doesn’t have it in her anymore… (:30) It’s alright to cry, but if you’re just doing it to get likes on social media, that’s all I need to know about you! (3:39)…… Continue Reading

Bad Habits Behind the Wheel
Most people believe that they are better drivers than their spouse, so we thought it would be fun to share what our spouses do in a car that drives us crazy…… Continue Reading

Monday July 18, 2022: Gas Station Goodies; Anna’s New Husband; Is Anna Zap Out Of Line
People need their morning coffee and it can be tough when you can’t get it! But would you have called the cops? Anna almost did… (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the celebrity wedding 20 years in…… Continue Reading
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