Recent Posts

Monday September 19, 2022: The Mystery Smell; Sleep Walker; Your Old Room
Would you be more likely to get a tattoo if it was painless? A team of scientists just created a painless, permanent tattoo, but does that defeat the purpose? (:30) Even when there isn’t a stop sign, pedestrians should always have the right of way, and if you ignore that rule that’s all I need…… Continue Reading

Pumpkin Spice Everything!
Pumpkin Spice is back, which gave Anna the idea to try three new pumpkin spice themed meals! Even better, we have a professional chef in to tell her if they are worth it or not!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: A Girl’s Trip
Alicia is live from the airport and getting ready to travel to a bachelorette party. Is Raven ready to take care of the house and the dogs? Well… after what happened last time, maybe not. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday, September 16, 2022: Snuck In; Anna’s Pumpkin Spice Specialties; Raven’s Report Card
The US and Canada are very similar countries in many ways. But there is one major dialectic difference that Anna can’t wrap her head around. (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, Alicia is getting on a plane…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Are Twinning.
Producer Sean has been poking fun at Anna & Raven all day non-stop for their matching outfits 😂 Check it out!… Continue Reading

Anna’s Bad Habit
Anna has a nervous tic that she’s been embarrassed to discuss until she googled and realized it’s really common, and you might be doing it too! Do you? Catch up with the podcast. And if you don’t eat your face like Anna, what is your nervous tic?… Continue Reading

Thursday, September 15, 2022: Low Key Famous; Nervous Tick; Kids Beat Raven
Anna has had some troublemakers in her neighborhood recently, but she has a solution. She’s going to form a neighborhood watch! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven in gonna pick one to get the details on! Today, all of his options involve animal attacks! (3:47) It’s one thing to have a favorite…… Continue Reading

Put On A Big Smile!
Want to be powerful and attractive? New research shows that putting on a big smile will benefit you in more ways than you’d think! Anna gave it a shot to see what people would really think…… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Exude Power!
Want to be more powerful and attractive? There’s one simple, free thing you can do- and science says it can make you life longer too. Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday September 14, 2022: New Driver Rules; Take Deep Breaths; Wellness Wednesday
When you cancel on someone, should you email, call, or text? Anna had someone cancel on her for an important event recently and she feels that the method of communication used was inappropriate! (:30) Everyone wants to feel powerful and attractive right? Anna has found a failsafe way to give you more confidence, but Raven…… Continue Reading
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