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Raven’s Report Card: Demolition Derby & Hurricanes

Raven’s Report Card: Demolition Derby & Hurricanes

Raven’s wife, Alicia, returned from a girl’s trip and has also been wrapped up in her son’s new demolition derby hobby . Has Raven had enough time to make an impact during Alicia’s busy schedule and earn a good grade? Raven’s Report Card! Find out why he couldn’t get an “A” this week in the…Continue Reading

The Cash Grab In Gaming

The Cash Grab In Gaming

Why are video games so expensive and what’s the deal with micro-transactions? The Professor of Fun, David Thomas explains why Fortnite keeps digging into your wallet. Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

A Way To Get Taller…

A Way To Get Taller…

45% of men wish they were taller, which has led to limb lengthening surgery! Forget the surgery though, because we have four exercises that’ll help you grow an inch right now!Continue Reading

The Random Place You’ve Seen Celebrities

The Random Place You’ve Seen Celebrities

Anna was in disbelief when a waiter told her what celebrity was staying next door at a Holiday Inn Express. What totally random place have you run into a celebrity!? You won’t believe who was window shopping for a lasagna pan. Check out the podcast.Continue Reading

Sleepwalking Stories

Sleepwalking Stories

Anna watched her teenage daughter walk out the front door, and down the driveway, in the middle of the night- then she realized she was sleep walking! That was nothing compared to the times you were sleep walking. Check out these hilarious stories in the podcast.Continue Reading

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