Recent Posts

Thursday September 29, 2022: Scariest Thing Ever; Conversations with Dogs; Man Camping
Streaming services can be costly and the prices have gone up on most of them. But it’s still cheaper than cable….right? (:30) Text abbreviations are great for texting, but if you use them in everyday conversation, that’s all I need 2 know about you! (3:42) Anna’s got three crazy news stories, and Raven is gonna…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Helluva Story
Have an incredible story? Something that happened to you? Something you saw? A story that you’ll never forget? We want to hear about it! It’s your turn to be the storyteller on The Anna & Raven Show and share that story! If we feature your story, you’ll be interviewed on air, and receive your own…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Diaper Derby
Raven and Producer Sean went against one another in the Diaper Derby! Can either one of them put a diaper on a fake baby in 45 seconds or less?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wrong Answers Only: The Toothbrush
There has been an up rise of dental floss picks tossed around everywhere, and it’s gross. But what’s worse than a dental floss pick? A toothbrush! Wrong answers only, why would that toothbrush be laying in the middle of the road? Hear all of the interesting answers in the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday September 28th 2022: You’re The Favorite; Wrong Answers Only; Producer Jon’s Missing Car
A recent study says that the average person makes at least 4 major mistakes in their lifetime. Anna decided to take a look back at the major missteps she’s made over the years. (:30) Is it possible to have a social media platform that isn’t slightly detrimental to your mental health? Anna thinks she’s found…… Continue Reading

Introducing Your Kids To A New Spouse
Is there a right and wrong time to introduce someone you’re dating to your children? The answer is yes. Child Psychologist Dr. Joe Schippa explains.… Continue Reading

September 27, 2022: Multi-Car Communism; Butter Boards; Anna’s Comet
Ticket prices to Disney are at an all time high, but one mom’s attempt at saving some money had Anna shocked! (:15) If you’re a single parent, how long do you wait before introducing someone new to your kids? Anna and Raven spoke to Child Psychologist Joe Schippa about how to address this sensitive topic.…… Continue Reading

Jaclyn Beats Raven And Wins $2,700!
Congratulations to Jaclyn! She had beaten Raven today and won herself the $2,700 jackpot, meaning we will reset the jackpot back down to $100 tomorrow. Thank you for playing Jaclyn! Who will be our next big Can’t Beat Raven winner?!… Continue Reading

Monday September 26, 2022: Producer Jon’s Stolen Car; What Went Down at Church; Chef Plum’s Wings
It’s always a little odd when your personal life crosses over with your work life, but for Anna, one creepy text message from a listener has got her a little spooked! (:30) Monday Night Football returns and there’s no better gameday meal than wings! Chef Plum from the Food Network shares his go-to wing recipe…… Continue Reading

Show & Tell With Anna And Raven
It was Show & Tell day on the show! Raven brought in something his grandmother personally made for him, and Anna…well she brought in a (most likely haunted) doll!… Continue Reading
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