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Amazon Product Review: The Fog Machine
Will the fog machine Anna purchased from Amazon be worth the money? Is she using the fog machine as an excuse to do her witch laugh? Find out!… Continue Reading

Good Idea Or Bad Idea: Pumpkin Spice
Three new pumpkin spice items, and none are for human consumption. You decide, are these good ideas or bad ideas? Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Getting Coins Out Of Raven’s Piggybank!
Raven has tried a few ways to get his money out of his piggy bank without breaking it, and thanks to you, he may finally have found the perfect way to do so!… Continue Reading

Monday October 3, 2022: Brag About Your Parents; Raven Goes Man Camping; Toddler Theater
Do you have something you love to hate? Anna was shocked to hear about the amount of security that was necessary to protect someone as harmless as Barney The Dinosaur! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Toddler Theatre
Toddler’s acting out famous scenes from movies! Can you tell which movie scenes they are? Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story!
Have an incredible story? Something that happened to you? Something you saw? A story that you’ll never forget? We want to hear about it! It’s your turn to be the storyteller on The Anna & Raven Show and share that story! If we feature your story, you’ll be interviewed on air, and receive your own…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Raven’s Trip
Raven has been preparing for his big “man camping” trip this coming weekend, but has he been too focused on his trip and not enough on his wife, Alicia, this week? Will it affect his grade? Check out the podcast!… Continue Reading

Friday September 30, 2022: Fired Friday; Tales From The Sidelines; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
How did you get your name? a list of the most popular baby names is out and Anna and Raven are wondering how some people come up with them! (:56) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This…… Continue Reading

Anna’s “Hot Mess Citation” Tickets
Anna has discovered a new way she can tell people how she really feels…starting with her producers 🤣… Continue Reading

Raven’s Man Camping Essentials
There are recommended items you should bring when you go camping, and with Raven going “man camping” over the weekend, Anna compared the “recommended” list to what he’s actually packed… and they’re vastly different. Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading
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