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Anna’s Embarrassing Moment In Public

Anna’s Embarrassing Moment In Public

Have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of 9000 people and two of your bosses? Anna did, and finally, ten days later, she’s ready to talk about it…even though she thinks she might still be sick when she tells the story. Hear what happened in the podcast.Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Stuck At Home

Raven’s Report Card: Stuck At Home

Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in and gives Raven a grade based on how good a husband he was. With both Raven and Alicia being stuck at home due to a positive Covid test, has Raven been able to keep on Alicia’s good side, or has he been driving her crazy? What grade will…Continue Reading

What Are Monkey Pox?

What Are Monkey Pox?

To better understand what Monkey Pox are, we spoke with the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook Medicine, Dr. Bettina Fries. Listen to the podcast to keep yourself aware of what they are and how to avoid infection!Continue Reading