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Milk Madness!

Milk Madness!

What protesters in the UK are doing to bring attention to the negligence of the dairy industry is head scratching at best, but Anna, Raven, and their producers believe they have the perfect answer as to what they’d do if they witnessed it happen… Image Source: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Tuesday October 18, 2022: Jealous Again; Walk Out; Anna’s Speech

Tuesday October 18, 2022: Jealous Again; Walk Out; Anna’s Speech

Depending on your unique algorithm, the internet can look very different depending on the person.  Raven found a story online that Anna would’ve never found in a million years! (:30) What are the three spookiest cities in the US?  Anna is going to one of them this weekend and she’s expecting to be terrified! (3:08)…Continue Reading

Being Cryogenically Frozen!?

Being Cryogenically Frozen!?

If you had the opportunity to live forever for $200,000, would you do it? There’s a place in Arizona that’s making that a reality but there’s one catch…Check out the podcast.📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The Lost Ring

Raven’s Report Card: The Lost Ring

Raven broke his wedding ring, and the fact that he hasn’t done anything to have it replaced or repaired is really upsetting his wife, Alicia. Will it affect his grade this week? Catch up with Raven’s Report Card!Continue Reading

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