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Milk Madness!
What protesters in the UK are doing to bring attention to the negligence of the dairy industry is head scratching at best, but Anna, Raven, and their producers believe they have the perfect answer as to what they’d do if they witnessed it happen… Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday October 18, 2022: Jealous Again; Walk Out; Anna’s Speech
Depending on your unique algorithm, the internet can look very different depending on the person. Raven found a story online that Anna would’ve never found in a million years! (:30) What are the three spookiest cities in the US? Anna is going to one of them this weekend and she’s expecting to be terrified! (3:08)…… Continue Reading

Can You Guess Anna & Raven’s Halloween Costume!?
With just a few hints, can you guess what Anna & Raven are going to be for Halloween!? You can leave your guess on our Facebook page!… Continue Reading

Being Cryogenically Frozen!?
If you had the opportunity to live forever for $200,000, would you do it? There’s a place in Arizona that’s making that a reality but there’s one catch…Check out the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday October 17, 2022: Who Wants to Live Forever; Medium Anna Raimondi; It’s Gonna Get Bloody
Should kids be allowed to drink coffee? A recent study has revealed the ideal age for young people to start having that much caffeine! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the reason that Van Gogh is in…… Continue Reading

A Special Gift From Our Listeners!
Anna was kindly gifted something from someone who listens to the show, and now she is certain she will become rich because of it…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The Lost Ring
Raven broke his wedding ring, and the fact that he hasn’t done anything to have it replaced or repaired is really upsetting his wife, Alicia. Will it affect his grade this week? Catch up with Raven’s Report Card!… Continue Reading

Friday October 14, 2022: Helluva Story; Stereotyped; What Your Ex Stole
Can you tell how old someone is based on the emojis they use? According to a study conducted by a group of Gen Z’ers, only old people use certain emojis! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! …… Continue Reading

Are Anna & Raven Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?!
Anna & Raven had fifth grade teacher Ms. Tanya Ayotte quiz them to see if either are smarter than a fifth grader! Who do you think won and would you have gotten these questions right?… Continue Reading

Thursday October 13, 2022: Parental Guidance Suggested; I Love You, You Hate Me; Anna vs. Raven
It’s been coming for a few years, but now Anna thinks that it has finally happened. Black Friday is dead! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven gets to pick one of them! Today, all three of her stories are about fire trucks! (3:19) Getting your Christmas shopping done early is nice, but…… Continue Reading
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