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Anna & Raven’s Pumpkins
Check out Anna & Raven’s pumpkins! What do yours look like? Share them with us on our Facebook page! (2) Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: The Snowstorm
Adrianna shared her incredible story about the time she and her family got stuck snowmobiling during a major snowstorm and made it through thanks to the kindness of strangers. 📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday October 21, 2022: Shortest Job Ever; Haunted Alexa; Raven’s Report Card
Amazon is usually the most reliable way to shop online, but Anna has noticed recently that they’ve been slipping… (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, Raven was doing well, until he chose to sit down… (3:25) Giving…… Continue Reading

Olivia Wilde’s Salad Dressing
Olivia Wilde’s salad dressing recipe has been trending everywhere, and Anna & Raven just had to try it too!… Continue Reading

Are Anna & Raven Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?
Anna & Raven went head-to-head to see if either one of them is smarter than a fifth grader! After a pathetic showing by both of them, Anna squeezed out of a win last week; will Raven be able to even the odds this week?!… Continue Reading

Thursday October 20, 2022:Â Real Life Scary; The Secret Sauce; Go Go Power Rangers
In the age of camera phones, is School Picture Day still necessary? Anna is pretty convinced it’s actually a money making scheme… (30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is going to pick one to talk about! Today his options are; a real snake on a plane, a sexy ghost, and the real…… Continue Reading

Instant Underpants!?
Are the instant underpants you can buy on Amazon actually worthwhile? Let’s find out!… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: It’s Actually Healthy!
What doctors are saying you should eat for your health is great news! Especially if you love pizza…kind of. Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading

Wednesday October 19, 2022: Producer Jon’s Debt; Instant Underwear; Wellness Wednesday
Have you ever sold anything online? According to internet sales specialist Melanie Hartmann, there are 3 different websites you should be using! (:30) Velveeta cheese is delicious, but if you think that it belongs on this Italian delicacy, that’s all I need to know about you! (4:01) Are you up to date on this week’s…… Continue Reading

Have You Ever Had Anything Stolen From You?
Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Chances are it was producer Sean… Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
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