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Weird Celebrity Rumors
For years, rumors circulated that Derek Jeter gave “swag bags” to all his one-night stands! Jeter has come forward and said it’s not true. What are some of the craziest celebrity rumors you’ve heard that you believed? Catch up with the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Earache Remedies
Anna’s 13-year-old had a bad earache so she created a post asking for home remedies until she could get her to a doctor. The only problem is that she took the advice and then her daughter told the doctor what she did…Oops. Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Your Dog Misses You!
A new study has revealed something about dogs that you may have already thought as a dog owner, but now science has proven your suspicion! Catch up with the podcast.Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Wednesday August 24, 2022:Â Found in Your New Place; Wedding Guest Regret; Worst Job Ever
You know your dogs love you, but you may not realize how much! Raven read a new study about how dogs react to their owners and it’s guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye! (:30) Everyone has a busy schedule these days, but if you’re the type of person who never makes the time…… Continue Reading
Raven’s Going Tailgating!
Raven is going to a concert and will be tailgating beforehand. Do you have a tailgating story? Raven has some good ones! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Tuesday August 23, 2022: That Teacher; 1st Date Felony; Found in Your Partner’s Closet
Raven’s wife Alicia is joining Raven in-studio while Anna is on vacation! But who does that leave to take care of the dogs at home? (:15) If you had to pick a celebrity to come and rescue you from jail, who would it be? WNBA player Britney Greiner is facing a 9 year sentence in…… Continue Reading
Monday August 22, 2022: Raven’s Wife Alicia Guest Stars; Why You Hate Your Pet; Dangerous Appliances
Things are gonna be a little bit different this week! Anna’s on vacation and Raven’s wife Alicia is filling in for her! (:15) Do you believe in astrology? Raven has always been a skeptic, but his wife Alicia loves it, so Raven decided to look up whether the stars think they’re a compatible match! (2:40)…… Continue Reading
She’s A Ten…But…
A viral game has swept TikTok and Twitter and even though it’s a bit shallow, it has everyone giggling and asking the same thing, she’s a ten…but…Check out the podcast!… Continue Reading
The Pet You Regret
Have you ever had a pet you regret? Anna’s toddler wants a new pet, but Anna thinks it’s a bad idea, so she and her husband came up with a plan to keep their daughter happy and pet-free…… Continue Reading
Who Is The Better Mime!?
Anna & Raven have been obsessed with videos about miming, and now they would like to know who you believe is better at being a mime.… Continue Reading