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Ridiculous Election Commercials

Ridiculous Election Commercials

What’s one of the best/cringiest things about election season? The TV commercials! And these four were voted some of the most fascinating of the year. Do you agree? Check out the podcast.📸Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Just For Tickets…

Just For Tickets…

Anna’s daughter wants one thing only for Christmas, and if your child wants this too get ready to basically dedicate the next week of your life to making it happen. What’s the craziest thing you ever did for concert tickets?Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Raven’s Married Again

Raven’s Report Card: Raven’s Married Again

Every week Raven’s wife gives Raven a grade based on he’s been behaving as a husband. Raven finally got a new wedding band after breaking his last one, but when he went out to clean the pool wearing only this one thing, his wife Alicia questioned his sanity. Catch up with what happened in the…Continue Reading

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