Recent Posts

Friday November 11, 2022: Real Life homeward Bound; Eating Excuses; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
A good pair of jeans will last a long time, but one of Anna’s favorite pairs finally died in the most embarrassing way possible! (:30) Raven and his wife Alicia are getting ready for the premiere of the new Christmas movie Santa’s Second Wife! The problem is, Alicia refuses to buy anything, but Anna has…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Show Superlatives
After People Magazine named Chris Evans “Sexiest Man Alive”, they sent us superlatives too in sealed envelopes!… Continue Reading

People’s Magazine Sent Us Awards!
Chris Evans was named People’s Magazine Sexiest Man Alive. We couldn’t believe it when People Magazine also sent us envelopes that contained our own superlatives for the year! Do you agree with what they said? Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading

Thursday November 10, 2022: Fell Into; Quirky Plane Habits; People Magazine Awards
There’s a lot of bad TV out there, but there is rarely a show that Anna feels morally obligated to not watch. Until now… (:31) Do you a specific way you buy clothes? Raven will buy anything that fits without a second thought, but his wife Alicia is far more picky… (3:41) Not every shoe…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Coat
Anna has been wearing this coat lately, and Raven can’t get over how funny it is to him. What do you think of Anna’s coat?… Continue Reading

Disappointment on Election Day, Nothing to do with Candidates
Anna and Raven found there was a lot of disappointment on election day, and ironically, none of the major problems had to do with the actual candidates. Did you run into these issues too? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday November 9, 2022: Election Results; Wedding Waste; 10 Minute Turkey Song
Anna has endorsed a lot of products over the years, but one guy on Twitter is endorsing a product that she just can’t behind! (:30) How do you de-escalate yourself when you’ve lost your temper? Anna does something with her toddler that works like a charm! (3:36) You don’t have to give money to every…… Continue Reading

Can You Guess The Song?
Can you guess which song Anna & Raven are playing on the Kazoo? 😂… Continue Reading

Ridiculous Election Commercials
What’s one of the best/cringiest things about election season? The TV commercials! And these four were voted some of the most fascinating of the year. Do you agree? Check out the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday November 8, 2022: Election Day; Powerball Problems; Change Your (Baby’s) Name
Do you have an Election Day protocol? For Raven, Election Day is one of the few times he ever keeps a low profile! (:30) Do you ever lie to spare somebody’s feelings? Most people do, but when Anna did it yesterday, it ended up causing her physical pain! (3:01) You’ll probably see a lot of…… Continue Reading
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