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December According To The Stars
Astrologer Anne joins Anna & Raven to tell you what the stars have in store for you this month, and what you might be able to expect!… Continue Reading

Thursday December 1, 2022: The 12 Tasks of Christmas; First on the Scene; Name That Xmas Tune
Having someone yell “get off my lawn” is a pretty common cliché, but would it be justified if people kept insisting on taking pictures in front of your home? (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to discuss! Today his options are; a woman who tried to open a…… Continue Reading

Making A Snowflake?
Who between Anna & Raven can make the better snowflake in only 15 seconds?!… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: The Best Purchase
You always hear that money can’t buy happiness, but new research says yes, yes it can- BUT it depends on who you’re buying for. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday November 30, 2022: Money Can Buy Happiness; Wrong Answer Proposal; Xmas Tree Drama
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary has officially declared a new “Word of the Year” for 2022, but the word itself has actually plagued human relationships since the dawn of time! (:30) The Santa Tipline has returned! Call 833-431-0905 and leave Santa a voicemail about who has been naughty and who has been nice. Anna and Raven will…… Continue Reading

Anna’s First Deviled Egg
Anna has never tried a deviled egg, so Producer Sean brought some in for her to try. Did she end up liking them?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Making Malls Fun Again
Some older malls have become run down and sad, but there are some sure-fire ways to bring these sad malls back to their original glory. Do you agree with these ideas? Catch up with the podcast. Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday November 29, 2022: Fix Your Sad Mall; The Phone Call Home; Your Sleep Necessities
If you could sue anyone, for any reason, who would it be? Anna read about one seemingly frivolous lawsuit that may end up making the plaintiff a lot of money! (:30) Is your local mall thriving or having a tough time? After seeing a couple of sad malls in her neighborhood, Anna asked the guys…… Continue Reading

Sergio Beat Raven!
Congratulations to Sergio! He beat Raven during Can’t Beat Raven and won himself the $300 jackpot. That means we will reset the total jackpot tomorrow to $100. Witness Sergio’s glorious win for yourself.… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: The Lost Dog
Diana shared her Helluva Story with Anna & Raven about how she single-handedly stopped an illegal puppy mill! Listen to the podcast on how she did it. Have a “Helluva Story” too? Head to… Continue Reading
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