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Readings With World-Renowned Medium Anna Raimondi
It’s been a while, but world-renowned medium Anna Raimondi is back in the studio with Anna and Raven! And apparently there are some other spectral guests in the studio with them as well!… Continue Reading
Monday October 10, 2022: Medium Anna Raimondi Returns; Producer Jon’s Halloween Song; Forbidden Parent Topics
Is it worse to lose your wedding ring or to break it? Raven just broke a seemingly “unbreakable” wedding ring and his wife is not happy! (:24) Are you caught up on the latest fall fashion trends? Anna invited Lauren Perez and Emily Hermann from Laurine Group to give some insight on this seasons most…… Continue Reading
Chef Plum’s Blind Taste Test
Anna & Raven put Food Network’s Chef Plum through a blind taste test. Can he tell which fast-food chains these fries came from through taste alone?!… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: Giving A Kidney To A Student
Kindergarten teacher Jen Giannino gave her kidney to a former student who was in desperate need of a new one! Hear her incredible story in the podcast and if you have a Helluva story, reach out to us at and click on “Helluva Story”… Continue Reading
Friday October 7, 2022: The Good Witch Gisele; Blind Fry Test; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
The Alec Baldwin controversy has reached an end, but the movie that caused it is still getting made… (:30) It’s the time of year that you can buy candy guilt-free! But when should you start stocking up for Halloween? Anna and Raven talk to confectioner Carly Schildhaus about when to start hoarding treats! (4:24) It’s…… Continue Reading
The Anna & Raven Show Try The “Super Freaky Girl” Challenge
Everyone on The Anna & Raven Show tried the “Super Freaky Girl” Challenge 🤣 How do you think everyone did?!… Continue Reading
Thursday October 6, 2022: First Date Food; One Thing About Me; Spent on a Pet
The man who caught Aaron Judge’s 62nd homerun ball has gotten himself a guaranteed payday, but Anna is more concerned about the man who tried, but failed, to catch it… (:15) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is going to pick one to talk about! Today his options are; a woman who stole…… Continue Reading
Anna’s Warning About Olive Oil
Anna has a warning for you if you plan on drinking a teaspoon of olive oil every day for it’s health benefits…… Continue Reading
Wellness Wednesday: Olive Oil Benefits
Ryan Seacrest says he starts every day with a teaspoon of olive oil, because of all its amazing health benefits. But can Anna, Raven, and their producers stomach an entire teaspoon of olive oil? Find out in the podcast and learn about all the benefits to having olive oil daily.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Wednesday October 5, 2022: Better on a Weekday; Kid Expert; Wellness Wednesday
Most Americans don’t spend much time thinking about Monarchs in other countries, but the passing of Queen Elizabeth has started to change that! (:30) Sick days usually refer to your physical health, but what about your mental health? Most businesses don’t offer mental health days but they’re starting to become popular with a younger demographic!…… Continue Reading