Recent Posts
Friday October 14, 2022: Helluva Story; Stereotyped; What Your Ex Stole
Can you tell how old someone is based on the emojis they use? According to a study conducted by a group of Gen Z’ers, only old people use certain emojis! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! …… Continue Reading
Are Anna & Raven Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?!
Anna & Raven had fifth grade teacher Ms. Tanya Ayotte quiz them to see if either are smarter than a fifth grader! Who do you think won and would you have gotten these questions right?… Continue Reading
Thursday October 13, 2022: Parental Guidance Suggested; I Love You, You Hate Me; Anna vs. Raven
It’s been coming for a few years, but now Anna thinks that it has finally happened. Black Friday is dead! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven gets to pick one of them! Today, all three of her stories are about fire trucks! (3:19) Getting your Christmas shopping done early is nice, but…… Continue Reading
The Benefits Of Walking Backwards
It might seem crazy, but there are a ton of benefits to walking backwards. And who would have guessed that Raven would be so good at it!… Continue Reading
Trying To Avoid People
Do you have any tricks you use to help avoid talking with someone in public? Catch up with the podcast to hear some unique ways you can dodge that next public interaction.… Continue Reading
Wednesday October 12th, 2022: Avoiding People; Inappropriate Costumes; Kids Watching Horror Movies
Chick-Fil-A was voted worst drive-thru in the country! But if given the chance, what would you change about a drive-thru? (0:30) You’ll never believe just how good walking backwards is for you. There are many benefits to it, and we have them all. (3:42) If you judge someone for THIS, that’s all I need to…… Continue Reading
The Magical Mr. Predicto
Was the magical Mr. Predicto worth buying? Anna thinks so! It gives her a good reason to break out the witch laugh!… Continue Reading
Producer Jon’s New Halloween Song
Producer Jon was tasked to make a new Halloween song since a good one hasn’t come around in years. Listen to it in the podcast and decide for yourself! Is it the next big Halloween hit!?📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Tuesday October 11, 2022: Modern Chivalry; Boooooo; Producer Jon’s Halloween Song
How long is too long for an event? Anna went to a play over the weekend and she felt like it had no business being as long as it was! (:30) Do you have any good memory hacks? Anna has been looking up life hacks on Tiktok and some of them might actually work! (3:43)…… Continue Reading
Fall Fashion with the Laurine Group
What are the three things you should have in your closet this Fall? Erin Hermann and Lauren Perez from Laurine Group fill you in!… Continue Reading