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Trends Making A Comeback This Year…
What trends do you think will make a full comeback in 2023!? Here are our predictions…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The Blinds
Every week Raven’s wife gives him a grade on how he has been behaving as a husband, and this week an interesting question was raised…What’s your blinds protocol in your bedroom? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday January 6, 2023: Raven’s Report Card; 2023 Predictions; Helluva Story
Anna has never understood why Americans are so obsessed with British royalty. Of course, she’s completely obsessed too, but why? (:45) Do you have a hell of a story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go to and click on Helluva Story! (4:23) is a cool…… Continue Reading

The Foot Peel
Anna is going to try a new exfoliating foot peel, but the packaging of it is questionable at best…… Continue Reading

A New Years Song
Auld Lang Syne, Taylor Swift and U2’s New Year’s Day, there are some famous New Year’s songs- but when Producer Jon wrote one, it was a bit… alarming. Listen to it on the podcast.… Continue Reading

Thursday January 5, 2023: Dry-uary Protocol; The Alternate Engagement Ring; A New New Years Song
Your phone is one of your most expensive and valuable possessions, so is it ever ok for someone else to throw it? Normally the answer would be no, but Anna thinks she found an exception… (:15) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven gets to pick one to discuss! Today his options are; an…… Continue Reading

Worst Part Of Being A House Guest
What is the worst thing about being an overnight guest in someone else’s house? From their food, to where you sleep; you gave us some great answers, and it’ll make you think about getting a hotel the next time you visit someone for an extended period of time! Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday January 4, 2023: Wellness Wednesday; Staying At Someone Else’s House; What You Don’t Wash
To create this year, there is one easy first step. Write a new Haiku! (:30) Are your feet getting a little nasty? Anna has found a new product to make your feet as fresh and smooth as a baby’s and she’s gonna spend the next week trying it out! (3:40) Dogs bark, it’s part of…… Continue Reading

Bench Pressing Doughnuts
Anna doesn’t call them New Year’s Resolutions, she calls it “Goal Setting Season”! She isn’t helping Producer Jon with his goal though…Share your goal with us on our Facebook page!Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

“Goal Setting” Season
Move over New Year’s Resolutions, it’s all about Goal Setting Season now! Anna believes the only way to make a goal achievable is to write it down and keep it somewhere you see it often. What are your goals for the year? Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading
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