Recent Posts

Thursday January 12, 2023: Evacuation; Producer Sean Gets Waxed; Fake Your Death
A lot of people are trying to cut carbs in the new year, but that didn’t stop people from being outraged after Ronzoni announced they were discontinuing one of their most popular pastas! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s…… Continue Reading

Producer Sean Needs Your Advice!
Producer Sean is going to have his very first child, and he could use your advice! Got any for him? Head over to Anna & Raven | Facebook and let him know what he should (and shouldn’t) do!… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: The Longest Study In History
Achieving true happiness has been the longest, current study in US history! What did they find is the number thing that made people happy? Here’s the good news, it’s free. Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading

Wednesday January 11, 2023: Open Someone Else’s Mail; The Secret To Happiness; AI Side Hustle
Did you know that the most famous knock in the world has an actual name? It sounds random at first, but when Anna did some research it actually made sense… (:30) What is the secret to true happiness? According to recently completed study, the answer lies in the people around you! (2:50) Your choice of…… Continue Reading

Raven Has Moves Like Elvis…
Anna was surprised to learn that Raven loves to sing Elvis at karaoke, but what’s Elvis without his moves?… Continue Reading

Anna Is Looking For A New Home
Anna and her family are on the lookout for a new home, but she has encountered some serious competition with the limited inventory. She’s trying a new method that will either land her a great new house…or a restraining order. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Tuesday January 10, 2023: Kid’s Dream House; Trespassing; Dangerous Women
Dry-uary is the big trend right now, but what if all the other months had a task too? (:30) The real estate market is particularly fierce right now and Anna is willing to do almost anything to get her family’s dream house! But would you have done this old school real estate trick to get…… Continue Reading

The Soda Debate 2023
We were given a choice to pick which sodas we would like in our soda fountain, and Raven isn’t happy with the options… Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Dating 101
This week is the best time to sign up for dating apps! Producer Jon is single… again, so he’ll evaluate the top new apps of 2023 and pick one to use. What dating app has worked for you? Check out the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday January 9, 2023: Vegan-uary; The Internet Told Me To Do It; Chat GPT
How can you tell if you’re getting old? Aside from the obvious physical signs, if you’ve ever said these four words, you’re officially old! (:30) Are you participating in Dry-uary? Anna and Raven invited Dry-uary specialist Mary Reid on to the show to explain the phenomenon! (3:06) It’s nice to include vegan options at your…… Continue Reading
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