Recent Posts

Wednesday January 18, 2023: Make a Dip Out of Anything; Meet Wild; Wellness Wednesday
Lots of people get divorced, but would you be brave enough to divorce a known witch!? (:30) Do you meditate? Studies show that a group of monks have developed a method of meditation that could lead to inner peace! (3:51) Driving an electric car is nice, but if you make it your whole personality, that’s…… Continue Reading

Raven VS Producer Sean
A coach was suspended after making his students do 400 pushups! Are Raven or Producer Sean capable of even making it to 100?!… Continue Reading

Four Phrases That Make You Seem Weak
There are four phrases you might be using that make you seem weak! Catch up with the podcast to find out what they are, and ways to word it differently.… Continue Reading

Tuesday January 17, 2023: A Song For Your Ex; Award Show Hot Takes; Stay Healthy
Youth sports can get competitive, but how far would you let a coach push your child to be the best? One coach is in hot water over making his students go through a workout that most adults could never do! (:30) If you’re a dog owner looking for drama, head to the dog park! Producer…… Continue Reading

Anna’s Famous Painting
This painting has been floating around the office for the longest time! Now, you have a chance to own a Zap painting..… Continue Reading

Anna’s WebMD Checkup
Anna hasn’t been feeling well and did the number one thing you should never do when you feel ill: check WebMD. But what the website said was…well…alarming. What was your diagnosis the last time you tried to WebMD your ailments?! Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading

Monday January 16, 2023: Anti-Bucket List; The Ick; Blue Monday
What qualifies someone as a Nepo baby? It doesn’t necessarily mean that your parent was famous… (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the billion dollar winner of mega millions! (3:20) Teenagers sometimes do this to be disrespectful,…… Continue Reading

Worst Place For A First Date
Did Producer Jon invite someone out to the wrong place for a first date? Find out where he had taken her in the podcast and hear all the worst places for a first date as told by you!… Continue Reading

A Quick Wax For Producer Sean
68% of men groom their armpit hair, and Producer Sean is one of them. Instead of shaving them however, we thought it would be fun for him to try waxing them. How did it go? Find out 🤣… Continue Reading

Finding Love For Producer Jon
Producer Jon signed himself up for a new dating app, and it has a very interesting feature. Can he find true love with the help of this new feature? Luckily, he has Anna & Raven to help him make sure he leaves the right impression on his profile.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
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