Recent Posts

Tuesday January 24, 2023: Ski Situation; That Time You Got Ripped Off; Hangover Cure
Are movie theaters finally a thing of the past? Anna and Raven have some ideas to keep them alive! (1:00) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the candy controversy that has gotten way out of hand! (4:18) Life…… Continue Reading

Monday January 23, 2023: Question Their Intelligence; Trashcan Protocol; Producer Sean’s Gender Reveal!
Getting fired is bad enough, but does it make it worse if you get fired over Zoom? (:30) Do you have a hell of a story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go to and click on Helluva Story! (2:45) Leaving a light on when you leave…… Continue Reading

Happy national DJ Day!
It’s National DJ Day (Yes, it’s a real thing) and we are beyond happy to celebrate it! What’s the best part about being a DJ though? Anna & Raven elaborate.… Continue Reading

What Happens To Lost Luggage?
Ever wonder what happens to your lost luggage? Soni Hood from explains what her company does when luggage goes unclaimed- and it’s fascinating.… Continue Reading

Friday January 20, 2023: Hurry Up and Wait; Concert Ticket Prices; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Isn’t it funny how some trends just seem to disappear into thin air? Anna found a list of the biggest fads that have mysteriously disappeared! (:30) Have you ever wondered what happens to lost luggage at the airport? Anna and Raven spoke to Sonni Hood from to find out! (3:07) Most people start driving…… Continue Reading

Chris & Landon Beat Raven For $2,700!
We have our first winner(s) of 2023! Chris and his son Landon beat Raven 5 to 3 in Can’t Beat Raven and won the $2,700 jackpot! Congratulations to the both of you. That means the jackpot goes back to $100. Who will be our next big winner!?… Continue Reading

What Went Down At Urgent Care
What happened to you when you went to an Urgent Care? Raven had a series of events happen during his last trip. Check out the podcast. 📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday January 19, 2023: Hot Cars; Tales from the ER; How’s Your Handwriting?
More drama is going down in Anna’s neighborhood! This time it seems that one of Anna’s close friends has become public enemy #1 because of their dog! (:30) Have you ever wondered how to find the most ripe fruit at the grocery store? A tiktoker has gone viral with some tips to find ripe fruit…… Continue Reading

Raven The Monk
The key to meditation is all about the positioning! Can you still sit crisscross applesauce? You’ll be surprised at who can!… Continue Reading

Chef Plum’s Famous Dip
Want to “wow” your friends at any party you host or attend? Food networks Chef Plum has recipes for dips that’ll be sure to make you the talk of the party!… Continue Reading
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