Recent Posts

Th Party Patch
We have a new product that we plan on testing out over the weekend! Do you think it’ll work?… Continue Reading

The Lunch Box Debate
Why has packing lunches become a giant debate online? Do you think it’s setting women back fifty years? Find out in the podcast and decide whether it’s worth all the controversy.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday January 27, 2023: Stolen From The Office; The Party Patch; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Could you still pass as a high school student? One woman in New Jersey spent 4 days as a freshman before someone realized she was 29! (:30) Do you make your spouse lunch? Ana couldn’t believe some of the elaborate lunches some women were making their husbands on Tiktok! (3:29) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia…… Continue Reading

The Coffee Thief
Anna & Raven received a companywide email, and you won’t believe why! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday January 26, 2023: The Most Boring Sport; Animal Attack; Mom On The Run
What would you do with 90 minutes of free time? Anna found herself with unexpected free time the other day, so she did what she always does with her down time… (:30) If you needed the money, what could you sell in your house? Producer Jon could make a fair amount of money off his…… Continue Reading

A Helluva Story You Have To Hear!
Do you have a Helluva story? It’s your turn to be the storyteller! Visit and click “Helluva Story” to share your with us.… Continue Reading

Thank You!
There’s a phrase that is supposed to strengthen relationships, but Anna and Raven had polar opposite reactions when they tried to use them with their spouses. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday January 25, 2023: Unconventional Firing; Spot a Fake; Wellness Wednesday
Have you ever gotten a Facebook request from someone you thought you were already friends with? It happened to Anna and it had some unintended consequences! (:35) Is there a simple way to find success in your relationships? Turns out one simple phrase can lead to a lasting, loving relationship! (4:31) Saving money is nice,…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Were Asked To read To Kids..
We were asked to read some books to children and are looking for some different options…… Continue Reading

A New Hangover Remedy
A new remedy for hangovers is trending, and it might seem unbelievable! Find out what it is in the podcast and if it actually works.… Continue Reading
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