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Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: The Lost Sibling
Do you have a helluva story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience on the air, go to and click on Helluva Story. Today, Cheryl shares her story, and you’ll never believe WHO her father found on a golf course!… Continue Reading

Friday February 3, 2023: Lucky Charm; Cured For A Price; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Anna saw a twitter post the other day and it stuck in her head. It’s great to do something to help a fellow co-worker, but at what point does it stop being your responsibility? (:30) Do you have a Helluva Story? Melissa tells Anna and Raven her story of surviving Hurricane Floyd! If you have…… Continue Reading

Five Calls Say It All: The Boudoir Photos
One of the biggest trends for gifts this Valentine’s Day is getting boudoir photos for your significant other, but Anna doubts that anyone actually wants to receive them. Five calls say it all, what do you think? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Thursday February 2, 2023: Boudoir Shoot; High School Redo; Groundhog Day
Anna had a fall this morning. She was fine, but the real tragedy was what happened afterward… (1:00) Anna has three crazy news stories to discuss and Raven gets to pick one! Today his options are; a $1mil chicken wing heist, the reason fries may get more expensive, and a 6 year old with a…… Continue Reading

Wednesday February 1, 2023: The Call From The Babysitter; Worst Line Ever; Wellness Wednesday
Did you say “Rabbit Rabbit” this morning? It’s one of many superstitions that Anna doesn’t like to admit she believes in! (:15) A new month means it’s time to update your horoscope! Anna and Raven spoke to Astrologer Anne to get an idea of what the next month holds! (3:11) Casinos typically keep a list…… Continue Reading

Tuesday January 31, 2023: Deal Breakers; De-Clutter; Gluten Taste Test
Do you know your astrological sign? Most Americans are far more likely to know their Zodiac sign than another, literally life saving, piece of information! (:30) Producer Jon has been back in the dating game for a while, but he still struggles making the first move on dating apps. Anna decided to help him out…… Continue Reading

The Party Patch
Trying the “Party Patch” which is supposed to prevent hangovers. We bought on Amazon, did they work?! Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: Time Jumping
Do you have a helluva story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go to and click on Helluva Story. Today, Kay shares an incident that can only be explained as a time jump.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday January 30, 2023: Most Surprising Job; Parents Still Get Mad At You; Helluva Story
Have you ever wondered what certain celebrities smell like? One Hollywood heartthrob allegedly smells just like crayons! (0:00) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the two teams that are going to the Superbowl! (3:30) Highways have different lanes…… Continue Reading

Th Party Patch
We have a new product that we plan on testing out over the weekend! Do you think it’ll work?… Continue Reading
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