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Young Love
Love is in the air for Anna’s toddler, Dakota! She was very excited that she had a valentine at school but is she taking this relationship too far for preschoolers?!… Continue Reading

Tuesday February 14, 2023: Anna And Raven Romantic Gestures; Chat GPT Love Letter; Hot Take Balloons
Today is an historic day! It’s not only Valentine’s Day, it’s also the anniversary of one of the most popular websites ever! (:30) Did you wait until the last minute to get a Valentine’s Day gift? You’re not alone! Anna and Raven spoke to professional confectioner Carli Schildhaus and couldn’t believe how many people are…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up
What did everyone on the show do over the weekend? Find out, and then let us know what you did during the weekend on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

Anna; The Smartest Person At Your Super Bowl Party
Newsday’s Tom Rock gave Anna three things to say at her Super Bowl party to make her seem like she knows what she is talking about, but did these tips work? Find out in the podcast to see how it went for Anna.… Continue Reading

Monday February 13, 2023: Superbowl Recap; Riri; 1st Date on Valentines Day
What are the worst places to take a date on Valentine’s Day? Anna found a list of them online, and one of the places on it was where she spent her first Valentine’s Day with her husband! (:15) Last Friday, Anna, Raven and the producers made their Superbowl predictions! Now it’s time to find out…… Continue Reading

A Hidden Talent Raven Has…
Raven may not have participated in the talent show, but he still has a talent that many people aren’t aware of…… Continue Reading

Chef Plum Has Easy Out of the Norm Super Bowl Snacks to Serve!
Wings, chips, and nachos are some of the usual foods you’ll find at a Super Bowl party this weekend, but Chef Plum has some great ideas for new foods to put out on your spread to really impress!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday February 10th 2023: Scary Celebrity Dads; Three Word Predictions; Superbowl Conversation Starters
Do you know what 700lbs of acorns looks like? Two homeowners had to find out the hard way… (:30) Do you have a three word prediction for the Superbowl this Sunday? Anna has a very specific prediction. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but she does know WHEN it will happen… (3:19) Everyone ricks…… Continue Reading

The Anna & Raven Talent Show
The Anna & Raven Talent Show with Raven as the judge. Who do you think showcased the best talent? Let us know on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading

Raven Picks’em: The Burger King Thief
Three trending news stories, but you only hear about the one that Raven picks. You’ll be shocked to learn what a woman got arrested for stealing from a Burger King…Check out the podcast.… Continue Reading
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