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Anna & Raven’s “Ask Me Anything”
It’s Anna & Raven’s “Ask Me Anything”! Ask Anna & Raven a question, and they’ll answer it in the next AMA video! You can ask your question on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | Facebook Today’s question comes from Diane…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: The King Of Romance
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. Was Raven able to be the King of Romance and give Alicia everything she wanted for Valentine’s Day? You can probably guess the answer to that. Catch up with the podcast to find out.… Continue Reading

Friday February 17, 2023: New Relationship Semantics; Your TSA Story; Mommy’s Margarita Friday
Fights can break out anywhere, but Anna was shocked when she heard about a particularly violent incident at one of the least likely places imaginable! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade on how well he did as a husband that week! This week, Raven’s attempt at romance on…… Continue Reading

The Can’t Beat Raven Jackpot…
The jackpot for Can’t Beat Raven has reached $2,100 and Anna really wants someone to beat Raven and win the cash! Will it be you!?… Continue Reading

Our Obsession With Murder Mystery
Three of the top four podcasts listened to in the country are true crime. Why? Catch up with the podcast to discover why science says we’re so obsessed.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday February 16, 2023: Uber Encounter; The Sod Father; Murder Podcasts
It’s not something most people think about, but the first time you speak every morning can say a lot about how your day is going to go! (:15) What’s a guaranteed way to jinx your relationship? A major celebrity just broke one of the biggest rules of starting a new marriage! (3:26) Secrets secrets are…… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: The Hot Girl Walk
What’s the hot girl walk? Find out all about it in the podcast, and how it might be the exercise trend that will actually help you lose weight and get confidence in yourself.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday February 15, 2023: Pregnant Super Feat; Painful Breakups; Wellness Wednesday
Is Tom Brady ok? First he posted that odd thirst trap picture, but now after seeing his Valentine’s Day post, Anna is getting concerned… (:30) Confidence can be hard to come by in the age of social media, but one new Tiktok trend has been empowering people across the globe! Anna and Raven take a…… Continue Reading

Happy Valentine’s Day From The Anna & Raven Show!
Producer Sean wrote a love poem about doing laundry. We thought the best Valentine’s Day gift for you is to let him read it while Producer Jon played guitar and we danced. Happy Valentine’s Day!… Continue Reading

Young Love
Love is in the air for Anna’s toddler, Dakota! She was very excited that she had a valentine at school but is she taking this relationship too far for preschoolers?!… Continue Reading
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