Recent Posts
Friday December 16, 2022: Bad Teacher Gifts; Find The Fake Xmas Movie; Raven’s Report Card
When was the last time you got into a snowball fight? You might be surprised at how long it’s been since the average adult has participated in one! (:22) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, Raven’s Christmas shopping…… Continue Reading
The Nutcracker Challenge
Anna & Raven go head-to-head in the nutcracker challenge. Who do you think can crack open more walnuts in one minute!?… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: The Snake Bite
Do you have a hell of a story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go to and click on Helluva Story. Today, Marcus talks about the time he headed into the woods…and came face to face with a jungle snake.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Thursday December 15, 2022: Slept on the Couch; Holiday Heart Attack; Paul Zap Dad Jokes
Are Christmas cards a dying art? After watching the numbers decline over the last few years, Anna is thinking about giving up on the card herself! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about! But Anna is definitely biased this time… (3:51) Starbucks baristas commonly pronounce names…… Continue Reading
The Fruitcake Challenge
It’s The Fruitcake Challenge! Anna gives Raven and Producer Sean a topic, then they must go back and forth naming thing’s related to that topic. The first person who can’t come up with something must take a bite of the dreadful fruitcake!… Continue Reading
Wednesday December 14, 2022: Holiday Breakup; Client Cake; Goblin Mode
The Santa Tipline has returned! Call 833-431-0905 and leave Santa a voicemail about who has been naughty and who has been nice. Anna and Raven will play the funniest messages on the air! (:40) Everyone is in a rush this time of year, but if you’re getting pushy on the elevator, that’s all I need…… Continue Reading
What’s Your Favorite Holiday Memory?
Anna & Raven were asked to share their favorite Holiday memory, when Anna shared one so incredible it stopped Raven in his tracks!… Continue Reading
Anna The Wrapping Paper Houdini
Producer Jon was given the task to wrap Anna up with wrapping paper and duct tape. Can she breakout of it all in less than one minute!?… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s Helluva Story: The Pop-up Wedding
Do you have a hell of a story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go to and click on Helluva Story. Today, Karen shares her story about a wedding you could only wish you attended.… Continue Reading
Monday December 12, 2022: New Couple Xmas Gifts; Delivery Nightmare; Santa Tipline
Would you ever name your child after something holiday themed? Noelle is a pretty name, but Anna found out that 23 children have been named after a famous holiday drink! (:30) Do you have a hell of a story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go…… Continue Reading