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Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations

The key to financial success and having a stress-free job is…affirmations?! That’s what a study says, so Anna is making it easy for you to be a relaxed millionaire. Find out what you have to say in the podcast.Continue Reading

What Is Your Nickname?!

What Is Your Nickname?!

Did you get a nickname and it stuck?! What is it? Do you even like it?! Let us know all about your nickname on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | FacebookContinue Reading

Anna & Raven’s AMA!

Anna & Raven’s AMA!

We have another question from you! If you are curious about something and would like an answer from Anna & Raven, just ask on our Facebook page and your question could be the next one they answer! Anna & Raven | FacebookContinue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Shrimp Water

Raven’s Report Card: Shrimp Water

Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. Anna received a text from Alicia with one word “shrimp” and it may have been the maddest at Raven she’d ever been. Catch up with the podcast.Continue Reading

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