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The Anna & Raven Weekend Wrap Up
What did you do this weekend? Was it similar to this? Do you even have a disco shirt?… Continue Reading

The Tooth Fairy Joins Anna & Raven
The national average of how much the tooth fairy leaves children for their lost teeth just hit an all-time high! The Tooth Fairy joins the show to explain the reason for this increase. Missed it? Check out the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday March 6, 2023: Your Big Move; Interview With The Tooth Fairy; Anna’s Old Alarm
It’s hard to figure out the perfect gift for somebody, and it can be even harder if you know them well! Anna and Raven both have immediate family members with birthdays this week and they have no clue what to do! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and…… Continue Reading

Producer Jon’s Song About The Month Of March
It’s March, and Producer Jon wrote a song about the things that make this month so special!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Alicia’s Birthday
Every week, Raven’s wife grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. It’s Alicia’s birthday month! Is Raven planning something extravagant to celebrate? Or will an underwhelming idea cost him a good grade? Find out in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday March 3, 2023: Longest Streak; Tooth Sleuth; Raven’s Report Card
How long have you been the size you are right now? Most people fluctuate a couple sizes frequently, but one celebrity has spent the last 20 years with the exact same measurements! (:30) Every Friday Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband…… Continue Reading

Affirmations For Work And Money
Work or money stressing you out? We have some affirmations that’ll help give you the confidence needed to make a change for the better. At least we hope 😂… Continue Reading

What Else Needs A Pitch Clock?
The MLB has implemented a Pitch Clock to shorten the length of games, and it’s causing some mixed reactions. There are some things out there that do deserve a pitch clock though. What would you put a pitch clock on?… Continue Reading

Thursday March 2, 2023: Time You Were Tardy; The Pitch Clock; Wrong Answers Only
Is there something you bring with you everywhere you go? One of the biggest movie stars in the world carries a cup with them everywhere they go, but Anna brings something with a little more utility… (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories but Raven can only pick one! Today his options are; mischief night…… Continue Reading

A Little Self Confidence For Raven..
Doing this one thing to start your day is supposed to “change the trajectory of your life”. What do you think?! Get the Windex.… Continue Reading
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