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Happy Birthday Producer Jon!
It’s Producer Jon’s birthday! Anna got Jon a cake, but what Raven got him as a gift is certainly unique. And let’s not even get started on his wrapping paper selection! 🤣Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

You Just Don’t Mess With It
Twenty-Eight girls were hospitalized due to fainting and having serious anxiety, and you won’t believe why. Anna says what they did is just something you should never mess around with! What do you think is something you should never mess with?📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday March 9, 2023: Wedding No Show; Fashion Fail; Anna is Charming
Are high school reunions a thing of the past? Anna has her 25th coming up and Raven is due for his 30th, yet neither of them have heard a word about it… (:30) Anna feels slighted, but she’s not sure if she should. Someone called her something the other day, that is normally a compliment,…… Continue Reading

Happy International Women’s Day!
A very happy International Women’s Day from The Anna & Raven Show to you!… Continue Reading

Inspirational Women
It’s International Women’s Day, but when Anna asked who everyone thought was an influential/inspirational woman, one response made her roll her eyes. Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 8, 2023: Grossest Thing In Your House; Toughest Meal Ever; International Women’s Day
What does everyone know you as? Producer Sean got recognized while he was at a parade last weekend, but it wasn’t for something he’s necessarily proud of… (:30) Happy International Women’s Day! Anna asked all the guys on the show to choose a woman who inspires them, and the results were iffy at best… (3:42)…… Continue Reading

A New Viral Snack
A woman went viral for talking about an after-school snack that many French kids eat. Anna’s upset because she’s been pushing this snack since she was a kid and would get made fun of in the cafeteria for eating it. Thoughts?Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Fixing Sleep Issues
One in three Americans have issues with sleeping. Is this you? Dr. Jennifer Wider has ways you can help yourself get a better night’s sleep but are you willing to make these sacrifices for a good night’s rest? Check out the podcast.Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday March 7, 2023: Rogue Technology; SAT Hot Takes; Door Dash Debate
What’s the worst performance you’ve ever seen? Producer Jon was at a show last weekend where something brutally embarrassing happened to one of the performers! (:30) Do you ever have trouble sleeping? 1 in 3 American’s struggle with sleep, but Dr. Jennifer Wider has some tips on how to get yourself to bed! (3:59) It’s…… Continue Reading
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