Recent Posts

When Animals Attack!
Two major animal attacks are trending this week, one with a monkey, the other with a zebra- but the big question, if you were attacked by an animal, would you rather it be on land or in the open water?! Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 15, 2023: One-Upmanship, Dating An Idiot; Wellness Wednesday
Is there such a thing as a truly selfless act by a celebrity? A famous singer left a massive tip for a server this last week, but Anna is wondering if he had a different motive… (:30) Do you ever eat in the shower? That would normally sound gross, but some TikTokers have been eating…… Continue Reading

Pie To The Face For National Pi Day
It’s National Pi Day! Based on math trivia, one person will get a pie to the face. Guesses on who?!… Continue Reading

The Secret To Being Ripped At 74
A 74-year-old woman claims the key to her six-pack abs? Wine. Dr. Jennifer Wider explains whether or not drinking all the Cabernet will make you ripped. Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Tuesday March 14, 2023: Raven’s Rabbit Recovery; Producer Jon’s Diary; Happy Pi Day!
Is there something that you know is gross, but you do it anyway? Anna took her daughter to a restaurant for her birthday, but Raven thinks her choice of dining was extremely unsanitary! (:30) Is there a generational difference between how people interpret texts? According to one study, a baby boomer will read a text…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Weekend Recap
It’s the weekend wrap up! What did you do this weekend!?… Continue Reading

Condiments Gone Wrong
Ketchup on steak, soda dipped in pizza, mayo without lettuce, what do these have in common? They are all “condiments gone wrong”. What’s the condiment that people thing you eat like a weirdo? Check out the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday March 13, 2023: Know By Heart; Oscar Prediction Recap; Condiment Combination
Keeping your kids safe is always the number one priority, but one ER pediatrician wrote a list of the 7 things they never let their kids do, and it’s fascinating! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending and today…… Continue Reading

Producer Jon’s Oscar Predictions
Producer Jon has some predictions for The Oscars, and he gives them to you the only way he knows how…with a song.… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Alicia’s Birthday
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia gives Raven a grade based on how he has behaved as a husband. It’s Alicia’s birthday! But did Raven already ruin the day because he forgot to do one thing in the morning? Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading
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