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The Proper Etiquette With New Neighbors With Karen Thomas!

The Proper Etiquette With New Neighbors With Karen Thomas!

Anna and Raven both have new neighbors in their respective neighborhoods! Is this not a thing that people typically do anymore? Karen Thomas joins the show to share what common etiquette is when it comes to having new neighbors! It might be easier than you thought! You can find Karen on her website Credit: Karen…Continue Reading

Anna & Raven Dance-A-Thon

Anna & Raven Dance-A-Thon

Join Star 99.9 for the Anna & Raven Dance-A-Thon Saturday, April 5 at the SoNo Collection in Norwalk, CT. Dancers take the stage for up to 15 minutes Saturday, April 5 from 12pm to 6pm, all raising money for Tiny Miracles! Look for your dance school below to donate. The Anna & Raven Dance-A-Thon raises…Continue Reading

The Most Creative Vanity Plates You’ve Seen!

The Most Creative Vanity Plates You’ve Seen!

Vanity license plates seem to be very popular and the more you think about them the more you see of them! Anna has seen a few recently but nothing as good as what some callers either have on their vehicle or have seen!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

What Social Media Influenced Us To Buy!

What Social Media Influenced Us To Buy!

HeadlinerEmbed Social media influences us to buy more things than we really need! Find out what Anna, Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin were influenced to buy! Check out @AnnaAndRaven on social media, the team tries one of Anna’s influenced purchases!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

Do Real Men Take Baths?

Do Real Men Take Baths?

One question, do real men take baths? Raven’s male friend was staying over and realized there was a potential that his friend may take a bath! Raven was weirded out! So Anna asked her husband what he thought on men taking baths!Photo Credit: Getty ImagesContinue Reading

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