Recent Posts
Thursday January 26, 2023: The Most Boring Sport; Animal Attack; Mom On The Run
What would you do with 90 minutes of free time? Anna found herself with unexpected free time the other day, so she did what she always does with her down time… (:30) If you needed the money, what could you sell in your house? Producer Jon could make a fair amount of money off his…… Continue Reading
A Helluva Story You Have To Hear!
Do you have a Helluva story? It’s your turn to be the storyteller! Visit and click “Helluva Story” to share your with us.… Continue Reading
Thank You!
There’s a phrase that is supposed to strengthen relationships, but Anna and Raven had polar opposite reactions when they tried to use them with their spouses. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading
Wednesday January 25, 2023: Unconventional Firing; Spot a Fake; Wellness Wednesday
Have you ever gotten a Facebook request from someone you thought you were already friends with? It happened to Anna and it had some unintended consequences! (:35) Is there a simple way to find success in your relationships? Turns out one simple phrase can lead to a lasting, loving relationship! (4:31) Saving money is nice,…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven Were Asked To read To Kids..
We were asked to read some books to children and are looking for some different options…… Continue Reading
A New Hangover Remedy
A new remedy for hangovers is trending, and it might seem unbelievable! Find out what it is in the podcast and if it actually works.… Continue Reading
Tuesday January 24, 2023: Ski Situation; That Time You Got Ripped Off; Hangover Cure
Are movie theaters finally a thing of the past? Anna and Raven have some ideas to keep them alive! (1:00) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the candy controversy that has gotten way out of hand! (4:18) Life…… Continue Reading
Monday January 23, 2023: Question Their Intelligence; Trashcan Protocol; Producer Sean’s Gender Reveal!
Getting fired is bad enough, but does it make it worse if you get fired over Zoom? (:30) Do you have a hell of a story? If you want to be the storyteller and share your experience with Anna and Raven, go to and click on Helluva Story! (2:45) Leaving a light on when you leave…… Continue Reading
Happy national DJ Day!
It’s National DJ Day (Yes, it’s a real thing) and we are beyond happy to celebrate it! What’s the best part about being a DJ though? Anna & Raven elaborate.… Continue Reading
What Happens To Lost Luggage?
Ever wonder what happens to your lost luggage? Soni Hood from explains what her company does when luggage goes unclaimed- and it’s fascinating.… Continue Reading