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Realtor Code Words
Anna has seen so many houses over the last few months while looking for a new home that she believes she’s cracked the Realtor code when it comes to terms, they use in their listing descriptions. Do you agree? Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Wednesday March 29th, 2023: Relator Codes; Race Walking; The Return Of 90’s Fashion
Nick Cannon was accused of giving the mothers of his children an allowance. Did you have an allowance growing up? (0:30) Do realtors trick you to go view homes? In Anna’s search for a new home, she’s figured out the code words realtors use to get you interested in a new place. (4:16) If you…… Continue Reading

Tuesday March 28, 2023: The Mystery of The Tape Concludes; How Not To Creep; Worst Sound Ever
Utah has become the first state to ban social media access for minors without a parent’s permission. But is that really the solution? Anna and Raven aren’t sure… (:30) What is the sound that always makes you cringe? Anna found a study that determined the most universally disliked sound in the world! (3:28) If you…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up!
Weekend Wrap Up! Here’s what happened over the weekend, what did you do?!… Continue Reading

The Dumbest Argument All Weekend
Statistics say that people have most arguments over the weekend. What were the dumbest arguments from the show? Well, Sean had a full argument with someone that doesn’t speak human. Listen to the podcast!… Continue Reading

Monday March 27, 2023: Ruin Your Day; Your Childhood Home; Hair Stylist Annoyances
Have you ever taken an “Everything Shower”? It’s one of the biggest new trends on TikTok, but apparently for Raven it’s just how he showers every day! (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the divisive testimony of…… Continue Reading

A New Sleep Aid?
Does this cereal that’s supposed to help you sleep actually work?!… Continue Reading

Friday March 24, 2023: Fired Friday Returns; Spring Cleaning; Can’t Believe It Still Exists
Have you ever accidentally stolen something? Raven thinks it sounds suspicious, but Anna insists it was just an accident! (:30) It’s Spring Cleaning Time but getting started can be a little daunting! Anna found a viral video of 5 cleaning hacks to make it a little easier! (3:09) Not everyone insists on taking shoes off…… Continue Reading

Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring Cleaning is here and there are five tips that the pros give when cleaning your house. The last two were things we had never heard of before and definitely will affect how you clean going forward! Check out the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Does The Band-Aid Hack Work?
Will using oil on a band-aid take the pain away when ripping it off? We have Producer Sean as a guinea pig to see if this hack actually works.… Continue Reading
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