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Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up!
Weekend Wrap Up! What did you do this weekend?!… Continue Reading

Tips To Know Before Dating Again
Think you’re ready to get back into the dating scene? Relationship expert Dr. Patrick Wanis says there are some things you need to do before you swipe right on someone! Catch up with the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday April 3, 2023: Your Stress Sound; Weird Parties; Weekend Arguments
Can you tell when someone is secretly a billionaire? It can be hard to spot sometimes, but Anna found an article on how to tell if you’re talking to a fabulously wealthy person! (:30) Getting back into the dating pool can be difficult but relationship expert Dr. Patrick Wanis has some tips on how to…… Continue Reading

Ask Anna & Raven Anything!
We got another question from a listener. Have a question for Anna & Raven? Ask on our Facebook page (Anna & Raven | Facebook), and your question could be answered next!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Vacation Prepping
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he’s behaved as a husband. They are prepping for vacation but was Raven’s reaction to the credit card bill acceptable?! Get the whole story in the podcast!… Continue Reading

Friday March 31, 2023: Pay For The Sitter; Astrologer Anne; Raven’s Report Card
Lots of people have to deal with having a small workspace, but not the host of a major show right? Anna was shocked when she heard what Kelly Ripa’s work environment was like when she got her start! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls the show to give Raven a grade on how he…… Continue Reading

Paying For A Babysitter!?
Anna’s friend was asked a question on a dating app, and she can’t believe it’s even a thing! What do you think about it?… Continue Reading

What To Know About Using References For Jobs
Are your references allowed to speak badly about you to a potential employer? Vice President of HR at Connoisseur Media, Jane Manley, answers everything you need to know about “references”.… Continue Reading

Thursday March 30, 2023: Highway Hijinks; Dine In the Bathroom; Personal References
It’s tough to be called a bad kisser, but most people don’t get called that by the national media! One major celebrity has been photographed kissing someone, and everyone is criticizing their technique! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories but Raven can only pick one! Today his options are; A man uses a tracking…… Continue Reading

Race Walking: An Olympic Sport
Race Walking is making its way to the Olympics next year, so we wanted to prepare for the new sport by having a “friendly” competition.Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading
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