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Anna & Raven’s Weekend Wrap Up.
What did you end up doing over the weekend? Did you have a better time than Anna, Producer Jon, and Producer Sean?… Continue Reading

The Best Appliance You Could Have In Your Kitchen
What should be the number one appliance you should have in your kitchen, according to Food Network’s Chef Plum? Find out in the podcast!Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

Monday April 17th, 2023: Weekend Arguments, Burn It Down, Singing The News
Ever wonder why the bartender never comes your way? A bartender explains what will get you served first. (:30) What is the best appliance you could have in your house according to Chef Plum? He explains what it is and why it’s so perfect. (3;47) If you still don’t do this after using the bathroom, that’s all…… Continue Reading

Friday April 14, 2023: Photos with celebs; Mommy Margarita; Biggest Wins
Who wears cologne to the gym? What’s wrong with giving kids bath toys? Today we find out with That’s All I Need to Know About You! (:00) In the category of things that have come back after the lockdown…How much would you pay to take a picture with a celebrity? (7:06) Do you feel like…… Continue Reading

Thursday April 13, 2023: Mom Confessions; Time To Leave; Spring Cleaning
When you go through a big breakup, who do you call? Producer Jon has a few close friend’s he likes to reach out to, but Anna has an entire squad on her side! (:33) Anna has three crazy news stories but Raven can only pick one! Today his options are; a man flees from police…… Continue Reading

Wednesday April 12, 2023: Fanatic Fanbase; You Hit The Jackpot; Wellness Wednesday
Are you or your partner better at handling your child’s tantrums? Anna found a controversial statistic that suggests that a particular gender may handle it better! (:15) Going to the gym is a great way to increase your self-confidence, but if you’re getting a little too confident in a public place, that’s all I need…… Continue Reading

Tuesday April 11, 2023: Why You’re Gross; The Origins of Pizza; What’s in Your Workbag
Where do you hide your spare house key? Most people would say under the mat, but if everybody does it, is it really that safe? (:30) Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the latest in Nick Cannon’s baby…… Continue Reading

Monday April 10, 2023: Know When It’s Over; Dog vs. Partner; Dumb Arguments
Would you want to live to 100? Many people would say no, but modern diets and medicine are making it seem more and more possible and appealing! (:15) Do you care more about making your pet happy or your partner? It seems like an obvious question, but not to Raven… (4:08) Saving seats is not…… Continue Reading

The Worst Landmark Ever
What is the most boring landmark ever? Anna has some thoughts…… Continue Reading
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