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The Worst Food In America
Anchovies was voted as America’s most hated food, and Chef Plum from Food Network and Restuarant Road Trip has some thoughts about it, and how you could turn them into a delish dish.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Friday April 21st 2023: Must See Movie; Anchovies For Dinner; Margarita Friday
Anna has been buying a new home, but she came across something on one of the realtor websites that amazed her! (:30) Most American women use makeup, but what if there was an option that was made for all genders? Jon Wormser from Good Weird has got skincare solutions for everyone! (4:29) Do you eat…… Continue Reading

The First Thing You Should Be Doing In Your Bathroom
What is the number one thing you should do when you enter your bathroom? Dr. Wider has the answer, and it’s something that’ll make you think twice the next time you enter your bathroom.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Thursday April 20th 2023: How Are You, Really; Everything Happens For A Reason; Wash Your Food
Is there ever a good reason to yell on a plane? One passenger was kicked off a flight reason for a childish reason! (:34) Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Anna received a call the other day that has her feeling introspective… (4:06) If you’re the last person to use something and…… Continue Reading

Producer Sean Tries Grounding…
Grounding is a great way to get in touch with nature. It’s also a great way to check out Producer Sean’s new nail color.… Continue Reading

Pantry VS The Fridge
What belongs in your fridge and what belongs in your pantry? Host of Restuarant Road Trip and Food Network’s Chef Plum has the answers, and it might shock you!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading

Wednesday April 19, 2023:Â Too Sad On Social Media; Plane Protocol; Wellness Wednesday
Did you know that you’re likely wasting over $3000 a year on food? Anna found an article about the most common foods that get thrown out without getting eaten! (:30) We all spend too much time on our devices these days, but is there a simple way to feel more connected to nature and the…… Continue Reading

Our Version Of “Peaches”
Jack Black wrote a song as Bowser, professing his love to Princess Peach for the new Super Mario Bros. movie. Well, Jack, we have our own version of the song, too.… Continue Reading

What You Should Know About Sunscreen
Are there sunscreens that are better for you than others? Can these sunscreens be harmful to your pet? Just how much sunscreen should you be putting on? Dr. Jennifer Wider has the answer to these questions and many more!… Continue Reading

Tuesday April 18th 2023: You Got Ghosted; No Work Talk; Frozen Veggies
Would you be able to survive 500 days in a cave? One woman just did and she actually enjoyed it! (:30) Everyone knows that sunscreen is important, but according to Dr. Jennifer Wider, the kind of sunscreen you use is especially important, even for your pets! (4:20) Horror movies aren’t typically appropriate for 2nd graders, so…… Continue Reading
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