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Signs You’re In A Toxic Relationship…With Yourself
Are you in a toxic relationship with yourself? We have five thing’s you might be doing right now that makes your relationship to yourself toxic. Check them out in the podcast!… Continue Reading
Monday February 27th, 2023: Toxic Signs; Meeting A Good Guy; What Your Neighbor Knows You As
What would you change about social media if given the chance? We may not have the best ideas, but it’s a good start! (0:30) An elderly woman was almost car jacked, and it got Anna thinking about the time Producer Jon had his car stolen, and you’ll never believe who they found driving it. (4:25)…… Continue Reading
Anna & Raven’s AMA!
We have another question from you! If you are curious about something and would like an answer from Anna & Raven, just ask on our Facebook page and your question could be the next one they answer! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading
Raven’s Report Card: Shrimp Water
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. Anna received a text from Alicia with one word “shrimp” and it may have been the maddest at Raven she’d ever been. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading
Friday February 24, 2023: Childhood Home; Annual Argument; Raven’s Report Card
Meeting your favorite celebrity can be both exciting and scary, but one kid got the opportunity to perform with them too! (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to the show to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, her troubles with Raven can be boiled…… Continue Reading
A New Trend Among Teens
Digital cameras are making a comeback! Teens are loving the old school look of the pictures they get from them, but there is also a hack to get that grainy look without buying a new camera…… Continue Reading
Dumb Tickets You’ve Received
What was the dumb reason why you got a ticket? Producer Sean received one over the weekend for what he believes to be a ridiculous reason! Do you think he is right? Find out what happened in the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
Thursday February 23, 2023: Celebrity Products; A Little Bit Naughty; Dumbest Ticket Ever
What’s the best store to kill time in? Anna’s go-to store is Marshall’s, but her husband’s favorite store is her worst nightmare! (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven gets to pick one! Today his options are; an unconventional prison break, a bride and groom get trapped on their wedding day, and a…… Continue Reading
Raiding Raven’s Closet
They say that your closet says a lot about you. It’s a look into your soul. So, Raven brought in some items from his closet, and it was…eye opening.… Continue Reading
Wellness Wednesday: Don’t Hit That Snooze Button!
Are you part of the 57% of people that hit the snooze button every day? Is it beneficial or harmful to your health? Find out in the podcast!📸Getty Images… Continue Reading