Recent Posts
Affirmations For Work And Money
Work or money stressing you out? We have some affirmations that’ll help give you the confidence needed to make a change for the better. At least we hope 😂… Continue Reading
What Else Needs A Pitch Clock?
The MLB has implemented a Pitch Clock to shorten the length of games, and it’s causing some mixed reactions. There are some things out there that do deserve a pitch clock though. What would you put a pitch clock on?… Continue Reading
Thursday March 2, 2023: Time You Were Tardy; The Pitch Clock; Wrong Answers Only
Is there something you bring with you everywhere you go? One of the biggest movie stars in the world carries a cup with them everywhere they go, but Anna brings something with a little more utility… (:30) Anna has three crazy news stories but Raven can only pick one! Today his options are; mischief night…… Continue Reading
A Little Self Confidence For Raven..
Doing this one thing to start your day is supposed to “change the trajectory of your life”. What do you think?! Get the Windex.… Continue Reading
March, According To The Stars
It’s a new month, which means it’s time we reach out to Astrologer Anne to see what the stars have in store for you!… Continue Reading
Wednesday March 1, 2023: Strangest Place You Slept; Cocaine Bear Birthday; Wellness Wednesday
Canceling plans at the last minute has become more socially acceptable than ever, but Anna wants to know; are you the canceler or the cancelee? (:30) It’s the first day of March, but what do the stars have in store for this month? Astrologer Anne spoke to Anna and Raven about what to expect in…… Continue Reading
Would You Let Your Child See This Movie?
Anna’s daughter had a unique request for her 14th birthday…Would you let this happen?!… Continue Reading
Positive Affirmations
The key to financial success and having a stress-free job is…affirmations?! That’s what a study says, so Anna is making it easy for you to be a relaxed millionaire. Find out what you have to say in the podcast.… Continue Reading
Tuesday February 28, 2023: Nicknames; Body Doubles; Who’d You Sue?
Did you know that Anna and Raven are actually robots?! Ok not really, but in the next 10 years they may be replaced by them… (:30) Do you tell yourself any daily affirmations? In the name of mental health, Anna has written every member of the show their own personalized affirmation! (3:05) Looking at your…… Continue Reading
What Is Your Nickname?!
Did you get a nickname and it stuck?! What is it? Do you even like it?! Let us know all about your nickname on our Facebook page! Anna & Raven | Facebook… Continue Reading