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How To Properly Curtsy
In celebration of the coronation of King Charles tomorrow, we have etiquette expert Karen Thomas here to teach us how to properly curtsy!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Another Surgery
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. Raven’s dog Barkley went in for another surgery. Has he been helping Alicia take care of Barkley to her liking? Find out what grade she gives him in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday May 5, 2023: Fascinating Fascinators; Coronation Etiquette; Raven’s Report Card
Coronation Day is almost here and Anna is fascinated by every part of it, especially the mysterious Golden Orb Committee… (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, they’ve been dealing with one of their fur babies having surgery!…… Continue Reading

Trying English Snacks
Saturday is the Coronation of King Charles III, so to celebrate, @ukgourmet brought in some British snacks for us to try!… Continue Reading

The Worst Thing To Put Into Your Body
Sure, you know you’re supposed to be drinking a lot of water to stay healthy but what are the absolute worst drinks to put into your body? Anna was surprised that one of her favorite daily drinks was on the list. Catch up with the podcast.… Continue Reading

Thursday May 4, 2023: Got Someone Fired; Worst In-law Excuse; Wedding Traditions That Have To Go
The Writer’s Strike is underway, which means that many professional writers will not be getting paid for the duration of the strike. That’s not uncommon, but it has sparked an interesting debate online… (:33) Anna has three crazy news stories but Raven only gets to pick one! Today his options are; a bee attack during…… Continue Reading

The Weirdest Place For A First Date
What’s the weirdest place for a first date? Anna might have been on the weirdest first date of them all with her husband Paul!… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: Weird Dates
Millennials are ditching bars for first dates and working out instead. Is a gym a weird place for a first date? What was your first date that didn’t include any alcohol? Where Anna went with here now husband is…certainly unique.… Continue Reading

Wednesday May 3, 2023: You’re a Disappointment; Kids Lie; Wellness Wednesday
Children have some very deep thoughts sometimes, but Anna was shocked to hear her younger daughter suggest the mass extinction of an entire insect species! (:15) Have you ever gone on a first date that didn’t involve alcohol? There’s a new trend among Millennials and Gen Z that encourages a more fit and healthy dating…… Continue Reading

Anna & Raven’s Met Gala Outfits
In celebration of last night’s Met Gala, Anna & Raven decided to show off our own unique outfits.… Continue Reading
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