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Wednesday May 10, 2023: Your Mom is the Best, But…; Let Me Give You The Tour; Wellness Wednesday
Is there a food you wouldn’t eat, no matter how hungry you are? Anna would never eat a bug, but Producer Sean refuses to eat a well known delicacy! (:33) It can be hard to fit exercise into your schedule, but Anna found some great tips on how to do some quick, easy things throughout…… Continue Reading

Margaret Beat Raven!
Congratulations to Margaret! She beat Raven and won herself the $3,100 jackpot. That means tomorrow morning, the Can’t Beat Raven jackpot is reset to $100. Will you be our next big winner!?… Continue Reading

Tuesday May 9, 2023: Big Chain Excitement; Mom-isms; Spring Fashion
What do Raven and international movie star Chris Pratt have in common? Not a whole lot, but Anna may have found their single similarity! (:33) Do you have a “spirit animal”? Does your mom? In celebration of Mother’s Day, Anna and Raven asked a group of kids what animal best describes their mom! (3:54) Having…… Continue Reading

Raven The Pop Culture King
Think you have what it takes to beat Raven?! Tomorrow’s jackpot is at $3,100! Text CBR to 1-800-330-9999 or sign up at for your chance to play!… Continue Reading

Is Anna Zap Out Of Line?!
At a school fundraiser, Anna won four front row tickets to her daughter’s 8th grade graduation ceremony. Her daughter is mortified and doesn’t want them in the front row. Is Anna Zap out of line because she’s going to sit there anyway and cheer on her daughter?!… Continue Reading

Monday May 8th 2023: Wrong Answers Only; Is Anna Zap Out of Line; Credit Due
It’s good manners to tip the wait staff, but should you have to tip the chefs as well? One restaurant started doing this and Anna and Raven aren’t sure how to feel about it… (:30) Are you up to date with this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up with…… Continue Reading

How To Properly Curtsy
In celebration of the coronation of King Charles tomorrow, we have etiquette expert Karen Thomas here to teach us how to properly curtsy!… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Another Surgery
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades him based on how he behaved as a husband. Raven’s dog Barkley went in for another surgery. Has he been helping Alicia take care of Barkley to her liking? Find out what grade she gives him in the podcast.… Continue Reading

Friday May 5, 2023: Fascinating Fascinators; Coronation Etiquette; Raven’s Report Card
Coronation Day is almost here and Anna is fascinated by every part of it, especially the mysterious Golden Orb Committee… (:30) Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give Raven a grade on how he did as a husband that week! This week, they’ve been dealing with one of their fur babies having surgery!…… Continue Reading

Trying English Snacks
Saturday is the Coronation of King Charles III, so to celebrate, @ukgourmet brought in some British snacks for us to try!… Continue Reading
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