Recent Posts

Tuesday June 6, 2023: Hide From Your Parents; I Don’t Trust That; Six Second Kiss
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made at work? Two professional athletes got themselves disqualified for what appeared to be a minor mistake! (:15) What secrets do the stars hold about your future? Anna has never been much of an astrologer, but when she saw a new app that could unlock the mysteries of life,…… Continue Reading

Monday June 5, 2023: Why Are You Single; Not So Simple Meals; Dumbest Argument
Are you up to date on today’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including the best way to protect yourself from a common household pet! (:15) Everybody on the highway is in a rush, you’re not special, so if you refuse to merge correctly, that’s all I…… Continue Reading

Raven’s Red Shirt
Raven’s Shirt has been the talk of the studio all day today. What do you think of it? 🤣… Continue Reading

Raven’s Report Card: Alicia’s Vacation
Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades Raven based on how he has behaved as a husband. Alicia is in a good mood because she is visiting family in another state, but did he blow off their anniversary because she’s away? Catch up with the podcast!… Continue Reading

Friday June 2nd: Raven’s Report Card; Favorite Kid; Mommy’s Margarita
There is an actual list of the twenty best nude beaches throughout the world, and you won’t believe how many are in America. (0:30) Every week, Raven’s wife Alicia grades Raven based on how he has behaved as a husband. What grade will he get this week? (3:03) If you do this when an ambulance…… Continue Reading

Appropriate Work Attire
Both Raven and Producer Sean wore shorts to work today. Although they aren’t seen for a majority of the day, is it still inappropriate work attire?Image Source: Getty Images… Continue Reading

What The Stars Say About June
What will the stars tell us about what we can expect this month? Astrologer Anne joins us to fill you in, and it’s going to be exactly what you want to hear!… Continue Reading

Thursday June 1st; Helluva Story; Parent Burnout; Mouse In The House
It’s the time for senior pranks, but can they go too far? (0:30) Have a Helluva Story? Derik shares his Helluva Story about how he met and married a woman in Pakistan. (3:07) If you think this, just because Aaron Rodgers went to a Taylor Swift concert, that’s all I need to know about you.…… Continue Reading

Sleeping On The Wrong Side Of The Bed For Science
Is it a real thing to wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Anna & Raven test it the name of science.… Continue Reading

Wellness Wednesday: The Wrong Side Of The Bed
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed today? Turns out, it really can have an effect on who you are and your mood! Find out more about how and why in the podcast.📸Getty Images… Continue Reading
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