Recent Posts
Wednesday, January 22, 2025: Dumbest Injuries; Making Birthday Parties Less Awkward; Where You Slept When You Left Them!
Anna saw a viral video of a woman getting her nose ring stuck on her office chair! Anna and Raven share the dumbest ways that they injured themselves! This woman went viral for sharing the ways to make your Child’s birthday party less awkward! Anna and Raven give their suggestions to achieve this and make…… Continue Reading
The Guinness World Record You Voted For Us To Break Is…!
You voted and the results are in! Producer Julie announces what Guinness World Record they will try to break! Find out what it is!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading
My Kid Won’t Eat Vegetables!
Anna’s six-year-old refuses to eat vegetables but a researcher found a simple hack to get your children to eat them! Anna put it to the test! You are going to want to hear this!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Tuesday, January 21, 2025: If Your Spouse Came to Work with You; Who We Would Pardon; Trouble Peeing on Demand!
Anna went out to dinner with her family and another family! He was watching a football game on his phone and Anna saw a lot of Taylor Swift! Find out what Anna and Raven think it would be like for their spouses to watch them at work! Former President Biden Pardoned many individuals before President…… Continue Reading
Vote For Which Guinness World Record We Should Break!
Anna believes that the show can break a Guinness World Record but to make sure it counts, she looks up the ways that would prevent it from being considered illegitimate! Anna Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin all submit one Guinness World Record that they think the show can break! Vote for the one you…… Continue Reading
Shadiest Jobs to Date!
Anna reads a list of the most respected occupations to date! But find out what occupations people wouldn’t date!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Monday, January 20, 2025: Americans’ Dream Jobs; TikTok Was Banned; We’re Breaking a Guinness World Record!
Anna shares what percentage of Americans’ dream job is! Anna, Raven, Producer Julie, and Producer Justin share what their dream job was as a child and what it would be now! Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories…… Continue Reading
Safety in Crowds with Gary MacNamara!
Anna and Raven talk with Retired Police Chief and Director of Public Safety at Sacred Heart University, Gary MacNamara! He says that there is one thing to look out for when you get to a place as crowded as the Presidential Inauguration!… Continue Reading
Being a Secret Service Agent During A Presidential Inauguration with Tim Sharkey!
Former Secret Service Agent Tim Sharkey tells Anna and Raven what it is like to plan a Presidential Inauguration and his perspective on the safety precautions that have been put in place and how the safety screenings are performed for spectators and vendors!Photo Credit: Getty Images… Continue Reading
Security Measures For The Presidential Inauguration With Gabriella Borter!
Gabriella Borter, a reporter on the Reuters U.S. National Affairs team, and talks to Anna and Raven on the security measures that will take place for the Presidential Inauguration today and what Washington D.C. will look like, and expectations for spectators and local businesses!… Continue Reading