A new study is out about who falls in the love faster: men or women! Anna and Raven share how fast they fell in love with their spouses!
Goldfish are mutating and Anna thinks it’s her fault! Apparently, it has something to do with flushing them down in the toilet! You will want to know this before you are also the reason for mutation!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the NY Strip Stake being renamed, and the things people are going to give up for Ash Wednesday, and an app that Gwen Stefani and Mark Wahlberg are endorsing!
A Bernese Mountain dog named Luna had 24 socks, among other things, in her stomach! Anna and Raven both have dogs and they both have eaten things that will shock you!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the new health benefits that come from swearing!
Everyone is talking about Coconut Cult! Anna couldn’t find it anywhere, so she got a dupe for it! Raven does a taste test and gives his review!
Anna and Raven have both bought everyday items out of someone else’s car! But it’s not what you would think!
Lauren recently got into a heated argument with a male manager at her local grocery store about a return she was making. Her boyfriend, James, didn’t like the way the man was speaking to her, so he got involved and basically argued for her. She’s upset, she says he had no right to step in. She’s an adult and can defend herself. He says that no man should speak to her that way and it’s his responsibility to step in. Do you agree?
Amy has a chance to win $8300! All she has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!