We’ve all been there. Waiting in line to pay for your groceries, in a rush, kids are screaming, and the person up in front of you paying is taking their sweet time even sparking up small talk with the cashier. It can be frustrating, but if you take a step back and try to see it from another perspective. Maybe that person needs that convo. A lot of elderly people doing their shopping like to have a connection like that with others.
This was the case at a Dutch grocery store in the Netherlands and they had a pretty creative way of solving it. They created something called “Chat Checkouts”. A lane where you can take all the time you want to pay for your items and also have a nice conversation with the cashier. Brilliant! The store says the costumers have been loving the idea and that it has helped a lot of people who might be feeling lonely, be able to have that connection without the stressful pressure of people waiting behind them.
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