One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. I guess the saying is true in this story… to the tune of a few million dollars even.
A mechanic here in Connecticut named Jared Whipple came across multiple painting in an old abandoned barn in Watertown, CT back in 2017. He thought they looked cool and was going to just used them as art for a skatepark he was working on. But after doing some research and finding who the artists was he contacted the family. Apparently the original painter moved here to CT in 2016 and died when he was 96 years old. The family gave their blessing for him to keep the artwork.
Each piece is worth anywhere from $12k to $20k with the whole collection topping out over a million dollars he estimates. Jared said he will keep a few for himself, but will be displaying the rest of the collection at a special art show in Southport May 5th-June 11.
Read the whole story HERE
Photo credit: Getty Images
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