This one is for all the animal lovers. Two completely different animals were rescued recently. One in the hot sun of Florida and the other in the freezing cold of Canada
The firsrt story happened in Florida a few weeks ago. Firefighters were able to save a dog who fell down a 15 foot hole. Once they got him out they filled the hole in so it wouldn’t happen again to any other dogs.
The second story was a lot more intense and COLD. It happnened up in Ontario Canada recently when a group of loggers noticed a moose had fell through the ice of a lake they were near. It was a very deep part of the water and the moose apparently had been there for a long time. They were able to break off big chunks of ice to create a channel for the moose to get to a more shallow area. Then they lead the poor thing over until it could touch bottom to walk. At that point the moose climbed out on its own. Truly amazing.
Both stories prove how thankful we are to the heroes who save our beloved animals for dire satiations like this.
Photo credit: Getty Images
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